Source code for soundpy.filters

'''Filters module covers functions related to the filtering out of noise of
a target signal.
import numpy as np

import os, sys
import inspect
currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(
packagedir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)
sys.path.insert(0, packagedir)
import soundpy as sp

# what Wiener Filter and Average pow spec can inherit
[docs]class FilterSettings: """Basic settings for filter related classes to inherit from. Attributes ---------- frame_dur : int, float Time in milliseconds of each audio frame window. (default 20) sr : int Desired sampling rate of audio; audio will be resampled to match if audio has other sampling rate. (default 48000) frame_length : int Number of audio samples in each frame: frame_dur multiplied with sr, divided by 1000. (default 960) percent_overlap : float Percentage of overlap between frames. overlap_length : int Number of overlapping audio samples between subsequent frames: frame_length multiplied by percent_overlap, floored. (default 480) window_type : str Type of window applied to audio frames: hann vs hamming (default 'hamming') num_fft_bins : int The number of frequency bins used when calculating the fft. Currently the `frame_length` is used to set `num_fft_bins`. zeropad : bool, optional If False, only full frames of audio data are processed. If True, the last partial frame will be zeropadded. (default False) """
[docs] def __init__(self, win_size_ms=None, percent_overlap=None, sr=None, window_type=None, zeropad = None): # set defaults if no values given self.frame_dur = win_size_ms if win_size_ms else 20 self.percent_overlap = percent_overlap if percent_overlap else 0.5 = sr if sr else 48000 self.window_type = window_type if window_type else 'hamming' # set other attributes based on above values self.frame_length = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length( self.frame_dur, self.overlap_length = sp.dsp.calc_num_overlap_samples( self.frame_length, self.percent_overlap) self.num_fft_bins = self.frame_length self.zeropad = zeropad or False
[docs] def get_window(self): '''Returns window acc. to attributes `window_type` and `frame_length` ''' window = sp.dsp.create_window(self.window_type, self.frame_length) return window
[docs]class Filter(FilterSettings): """Interactive class to explore Wiener filter settings on audio signals. These class methods implement research based algorithms with low computational cost, aimed for noise reduction via mobile phone. Attributes ---------- beta : float Value applied in Wiener filter that smooths the application of 'gain'; default set according to previous research. (default 0.98) first_iter : bool, optional Keeps track if `first_iter` is relevant in filtering. If True, filtering has just started, and calculations made for filtering cannot use information from previous frames; if False, calculations for filtering use information from previous frames; if None, no difference is applied when processing the 1st vs subsequent frames. (default None) target_subframes : int, None The number of total subsections within the total number of samples belonging to the target signal (i.e. audiofile being filtered). Until `target_subframes` is calculated, it is set to None. (default None) noise_subframes : int, None The number of total subsections within the total number of samples belonging to the noise signal. If noise power spectrum is used, this doesn't need to be calculated. Until `noise_subframes` is calculated, it is set to None. (default None) gain : ndarray, None Once calculated, the attenuation values to be applied to the fft for noise reduction. Until calculated, None. (default None) max_vol : float, int The maximum volume allowed for the filtered signal. (default 0.4) """
[docs] def __init__(self, win_size_ms=None, percent_overlap=None, sr=None, window_type=None, max_vol = None, zeropad = None): FilterSettings.__init__(self, win_size_ms=win_size_ms, percent_overlap=percent_overlap, sr=sr, window_type=window_type, zeropad = zeropad) self.max_vol = max_vol if max_vol else 0.4 self.target_subframes = None self.noise_subframes = None
# TODO remove
[docs] def get_samples(self, audiofile, dur_sec=None): """Load signal and save original volume Parameters ---------- audiofile : str Path and name of audiofile to be loaded dur_sec : int, float optional Max length of time in seconds (default None) Returns ---------- samples : ndarray Array containing signal amplitude values in time domain """ samples, sr = sp.loadsound( audiofile,, dur_sec=dur_sec) self.set_volume(samples, max_vol = self.max_vol) return samples
[docs] def set_volume(self, samples, max_vol = 0.4, min_vol = 0.15): """Records and limits the maximum amplitude of original samples. This enables the output wave to be within a range of volume that does not go below or too far above the orignal maximum amplitude of the signal. Parameters ---------- samples : ndarray The original samples of a signal (1 dimensional), of any length max_vol : float The maximum volume level. If a signal has values higher than this number, the signal is curtailed to remain at and below this number. min_vol : float The minimum volume level. If a signal has only values lower than this number, the signal is amplified to be at this number and below. Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(samples, np.ndarray): max_amplitude = samples.max() else: max_amplitude = max(samples) self.vol_orig = max_amplitude if max_amplitude > max_vol: self.max_vol = max_vol elif max_amplitude < min_vol: self.max_vol = min_vol else: self.max_vol = max_amplitude return None
[docs] def set_num_subframes(self, len_samples, is_noise=False, zeropad=False): """Sets the number of target or noise subframes available for processing Parameters ---------- len_samples : int The total number of samples in a given signal is_noise : bool If False, subframe number saved under self.target_subframes, otherwise self.noise_subframes (default False) zeropad : bool If False, number of frames limited to full frames. If True, last frame is zeropadded. Returns ------- None """ if is_noise: self.noise_subframes = sp.dsp.calc_num_subframes( tot_samples=len_samples, frame_length=self.frame_length, overlap_samples=self.overlap_length, zeropad=zeropad ) else: self.target_subframes = sp.dsp.calc_num_subframes( tot_samples=len_samples, frame_length=self.frame_length, overlap_samples=self.overlap_length, zeropad=zeropad ) return None
[docs] def check_volume(self, samples): """ensures volume of filtered signal is within the bounds of the original """ max_orig = round(max(samples), 2) samples = sp.dsp.scalesound(samples, max_val=self.max_vol) max_adjusted = round(max(samples), 2) if max_orig != max_adjusted: print("volume adjusted from {} to {}".format(max_orig, max_adjusted)) return samples
[docs]class WienerFilter(Filter):
[docs] def __init__(self, win_size_ms=None, percent_overlap=None, sr=None, window_type=None, max_vol = 0.4, smooth_factor=0.98, first_iter=None, zeropad = None): Filter.__init__(self, win_size_ms=win_size_ms, sr=sr, window_type=window_type, max_vol=max_vol, zeropad = zeropad) self.beta = smooth_factor self.first_iter = first_iter self.gain = None
[docs] def apply_wienerfilter(self, frame_index, target_fft, target_power_frame, noise_power): if frame_index == 0: # TODO: remove commented line #posteri = sp.dsp.create_empty_matrix( #(len(target_power_frame),)) self.posteri_snr = sp.dsp.calc_posteri_snr( target_power_frame, noise_power) self.posteri_prime = sp.dsp.calc_posteri_prime( self.posteri_snr) self.priori_snr = sp.dsp.calc_prior_snr(snr=self.posteri_snr, snr_prime=self.posteri_prime, smooth_factor=self.beta, first_iter=True, gain=None) elif frame_index > 0: self.posteri_snr = sp.dsp.calc_posteri_snr( target_power_frame, noise_power) self.posteri_prime = sp.dsp.calc_posteri_prime( self.posteri_snr) self.priori_snr = sp.dsp.calc_prior_snr( snr=self.posteri_snr_prev, snr_prime=self.posteri_prime, smooth_factor=self.beta, first_iter=False, gain=self.gain_prev) self.gain = sp.dsp.calc_gain(prior_snr=self.priori_snr) enhanced_fft = sp.dsp.apply_gain_fft(target_fft, self.gain) # set attributes for next iteration self.gain_prev = self.gain self.posteri_snr_prev = self.posteri_snr return enhanced_fft
[docs] def apply_postfilter(self, enhanced_fft, target_fft, target_power_frame): target_noisereduced_power = sp.dsp.calc_power(enhanced_fft) self.gain = sp.dsp.postfilter(target_power_frame, target_noisereduced_power, gain=self.gain, threshold=0.9, scale=20) enhanced_fft = sp.dsp.apply_gain_fft(target_fft, self.gain) return enhanced_fft
[docs]class BandSubtraction(Filter):
[docs] def __init__(self, win_size_ms=None, percent_overlap=None, sr=None, window_type=None, max_vol = 0.4, num_bands = 6, band_spacing = 'linear', zeropad = None, smooth_factor=0.98, first_iter=None): Filter.__init__(self, win_size_ms=win_size_ms, sr=sr, window_type=window_type, max_vol=max_vol, zeropad = zeropad) self.num_bands = num_bands self.band_spacing = band_spacing # Band spectral subtraction has been successful with 48000 sr. if != 48000: print('Band spectral subtraction requires a 48000 Hz sampling rate.'+\ 'Sampling rate is automatically adjusted accordingly.') = 48000 # for applying the postfilter self.posteri_snr = None self.posteri_prime = None self.priori_snr = None self.beta = smooth_factor self.first_iter = first_iter self.gain = None
[docs] def apply_bandspecsub(self, target_power, target_phase, noise_power): self.setup_bands() self.update_posteri_bands(target_power,noise_power) beta = self.calc_oversub_factor() reduced_noise_target = self.sub_noise(target_power, noise_power, beta) # perhaps don't need. TODO test this with real signal (ie half of fft) if len(reduced_noise_target) < len(target_power): reduced_noise_target = sp.dsp.reconstruct_whole_spectrum( reduced_noise_target, n_fft = self.num_fft_bins) # apply original phase to reduced noise power enhanced_fft = sp.dsp.apply_original_phase( reduced_noise_target, target_phase) return enhanced_fft
[docs] def setup_bands(self): '''Provides starting and ending frequncy bins/indices for each band. Parameters ---------- self : class Contains variables `num_bands` (if None, set to 6) and `frame_length` Returns ------- None Sets the class variables `band_start_freq` and `band_end_freq`. Examples -------- >>> import soundpy as sp >>> import numpy as np >>> # Default is set to 6 bands: >>> fil = sp.BandSubtraction() >>> fil.setup_bands() >>> fil.band_start_freq array([ 0., 80., 160., 240., 320., 400.]) >>> fil.band_end_freq array([ 80., 160., 240., 320., 400., 480.]) >>> # change default settings >>> fil = sp.BandSubtraction(num_bands=5) >>> fil.setup_bands() >>> fil.band_start_freq array([ 0., 96., 192., 288., 384.]) >>> fil.band_end_freq array([ 96., 192., 288., 384., 480.]) ''' if self.num_bands is None: self.num_bands = 6 if 'linear' in self.band_spacing.lower(): try: #calc number of bins per band assert self.frame_length / self.num_bands % 2 == 0 except AssertionError: print("The number of bands must be equally divisible by the frame length.") sys.exit() self.bins_per_band = self.frame_length//(2 * self.num_bands) band_start_freq = np.zeros((self.num_bands,)) band_end_freq = np.zeros((self.num_bands,)) try: for i in range(self.num_bands): band_start_freq[i] = int(i*self.bins_per_band) band_end_freq[i] = int(band_start_freq[i] + self.bins_per_band) except TypeError: print(band_start_freq[i] + self.bins_per_band-1) sys.exit() # TODO: implement other band spacing types # other options of band spacing elif 'log' in self.band_spacing.lower(): pass elif 'mel' in self.band_spacing.lower(): pass self.band_start_freq = band_start_freq self.band_end_freq = band_end_freq return None
[docs] def update_posteri_bands(self,target_powspec, noise_powspec): '''Updates SNR of each set of bands. MATLAB code from speech enhancement book uses power, puts it into magnitude (via square root), then puts it back into power..? And uses some sort of 'norm' function... which I think is actually just the sum. Original equation can be found in the paper below. page 117 from book? paper: Kamath, S. D. & Loizou, P. C. (____), A multi-band spectral subtraction method for enhancing speech corrupted by colored noise. I am using power for the time being. Examples -------- >>> import soundpy as sp >>> import numpy as np >>> # setting to 4 bands for space: >>> fil = sp.BandSubtraction(num_bands=4) >>> fil.setup_bands() >>> # generate sine signal with and without noise >>> time = np.arange(0, 10, 0.01) >>> signal = np.sin(time)[:fil.frame_length] >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> noise = np.random.normal(np.mean(signal),np.mean(signal)+0.3,960) >>> powerspec_clean = np.abs(np.fft.fft(signal))**2 >>> powerspec_noisy = np.abs(np.fft.fft(signal + noise))**2 >>> fil.update_posteri_bands(powerspec_clean, powerspec_noisy) >>> fil.snr_bands array([ -1.91189028, -39.22078063, -44.16682922, -45.65265895]) >>> # compare with no noise in signal: >>> fil.update_posteri_bands(powerspec_clean, powerspec_clean) >>> fil.snr_bands array([0., 0., 0., 0.]) ''' snr_bands = np.zeros((self.num_bands,)) for band in range(self.num_bands): start_bin = int(self.band_start_freq[band]) stop_bin = int(self.band_end_freq[band]) numerator = sum(target_powspec[start_bin:stop_bin]) denominator = sum(noise_powspec[start_bin:stop_bin]) snr_bands[band] += 10*np.log10(numerator/denominator) self.snr_bands = snr_bands return None
[docs] def calc_oversub_factor(self): '''Calculate over subtraction factor used in the cited paper. Uses decibel SNR values calculated in update_posteri_bands() paper: Kamath, S. D. & Loizou, P. C. (____), A multi-band spectral subtraction method ofr enhancing speech corrupted by colored noise. Examples -------- >>> import soundpy as sp >>> import numpy as np >>> # setting to 4 bands for space: >>> fil = sp.BandSubtraction(num_bands=4) >>> fil.setup_bands() >>> # generate sine signal with and without noise >>> time = np.arange(0, 10, 0.01) >>> signal = np.sin(time)[:fil.frame_length] >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> noise = np.random.normal(np.mean(signal),np.mean(signal)+0.3,960) >>> powerspec_clean = np.abs(np.fft.fft(signal))**2 >>> powerspec_noisy = np.abs(np.fft.fft(signal + noise))**2 >>> fil.update_posteri_bands(powerspec_clean, powerspec_noisy) >>> fil.snr_bands array([ -1.91189028, -39.22078063, -44.16682922, -45.65265895]) >>> a = fil.calc_oversub_factor() >>> a array([4.28678354, 4.75 , 4.75 , 4.75 ]) >>> # compare with no noise in signal: >>> fil.update_posteri_bands(powerspec_clean, powerspec_clean) >>> fil.snr_bands array([0., 0., 0., 0.]) >>> a = fil.calc_oversub_factor() >>> a array([4., 4., 4., 4.]) ''' a = np.zeros(self.snr_bands.shape[0]) for band in range(self.num_bands): band_snr = self.snr_bands[band] if band_snr >= -5.0 and band_snr <= 20: a[band] = 4 - band_snr*3/20 elif band_snr < -5.0: a[band] = 4.75 else: a[band] = 1 return a
[docs] def calc_relevant_band(self,target_powspec): '''Calculates band with highest energy levels. Parameters ---------- self : class instance Contains class variables `band_start_freq` and `band_end_freq`. target_powerspec : np.ndarray Power spectrum of the target signal. Returns ------- rel_band_index : int Index for which band contains the most energy. band_energy_matrix : np.ndarray [size=(num_bands, ), dtype=np.float] Power levels of each band. Examples -------- >>> import soundpy as sp >>> import numpy as np >>> # setting to 4 bands for this example (default is 6): >>> fil = sp.BandSubtraction(num_bands=4) >>> fil.setup_bands() >>> # generate sine signal with and with frequency 25 >>> time = np.arange(0, 10, 0.01) >>> full_circle = 2 * np.pi >>> freq = 25 >>> signal = np.sin((freq*full_circle)*time)[:fil.frame_length] >>> powerspec_clean = np.abs(np.fft.fft(signal))**2 >>> rel_band_index, band_power_energies = fil.calc_relevant_band(powerspec_clean) >>> rel_band_index 2 >>> # and with frequency 50 >>> freq = 50 >>> signal = np.sin((freq*full_circle)*time)[:fil.frame_length] >>> powerspec_clean = np.abs(np.fft.fft(signal))**2 >>> rel_band_index, band_power_energies = fil.calc_relevant_band(powerspec_clean) >>> rel_band_index 3 ''' band_energy_matrix = np.zeros(self.num_bands) for band in range(self.num_bands): start_bin = int(self.band_start_freq[band]) end_bin = int(self.band_end_freq[band]) target_band = target_powspec[start_bin:end_bin] band_energy_matrix[band] += sum(target_band)/len(target_band) rel_band_index = np.argmax(band_energy_matrix) return rel_band_index, band_energy_matrix
[docs] def apply_floor(self, sub_band, original_band, floor=0.002, book=True): for i, val in enumerate(sub_band): if val < 0: sub_band[i] = floor * original_band[i] if book: #this adds a bit of noise from original signal #to avoid musical noise distortion sub_band[i] += 0.5*original_band[i] return sub_band
[docs] def sub_noise(self,target_powspec, noise_powspec, oversub_factor, speech=True): #apply higher or lower noise subtraction (i.e. delta) #lower frequency / bin == lower delta --> reduce speech distortion if not speech: relevant_band, __ = self.calc_relevant_band(target_powspec) else: relevant_band = 0 sub_power = np.zeros(target_powspec.shape) #sub_power = np.zeros((self.num_bands*self.bins_per_band,)) #sub_power = np.zeros((self.num_bands*self.bins_per_band,)) section = 0 for band in range(self.num_bands): start_bin = int(self.band_start_freq[band]) end_bin = int(self.band_end_freq[band]) target_band = target_powspec[start_bin:end_bin] #target_band = np.expand_dims(target_band, axis=1) noise_band = noise_powspec[start_bin:end_bin] #noise_band = np.expand_dims(noise_band, axis=1) beta = oversub_factor[band] if band == relevant_band: delta = 1 #don't interfer too much with important target band else: delta = 2.5 #less important bands --> more noise subtraction adjusted = target_band - (beta * noise_band * delta) start = section end = start + self.bins_per_band sub_power[start:end,] = adjusted sub_power[start:end,] = self.apply_floor( sub_power[start:end,] , target_band, book=True) section += self.bins_per_band # assert input and output shapes are same assert sub_power.shape == target_powspec.shape return sub_power
[docs] def apply_postfilter(self, enhanced_fft, target_fft, target_power_frame, noise_power): if self.first_iter is not False: self.posteri_snr = sp.dsp.calc_posteri_snr(target_power_frame, noise_power) self.posteri_prime = sp.dsp.calc_posteri_prime(self.posteri_snr) self.prior_snr = sp.dsp.calc_prior_snr(snr = self.posteri_snr, snr_prime = self.posteri_prime, smooth_factor = self.beta, first_iter = True, gain = None) self.first_iter = False else: self.posteri_snr = sp.dsp.calc_posteri_snr( target_power_frame, noise_power) self.posteri_prime = sp.dsp.calc_posteri_prime( self.posteri_snr) self.priori_snr = sp.dsp.calc_prior_snr( snr=self.posteri_snr_prev, snr_prime=self.posteri_prime, smooth_factor=self.beta, first_iter=False, gain=self.gain_prev) self.gain = sp.dsp.calc_gain(self.prior_snr) target_noisereduced_power = sp.dsp.calc_power(enhanced_fft) # update gain with postfilter: self.gain = sp.dsp.postfilter(target_power_frame, target_noisereduced_power, gain=self.gain, threshold=0.9, scale=20) enhanced_fft = sp.dsp.apply_gain_fft(target_fft, self.gain) # set attributes for next iteration self.gain_prev = self.gain self.posteri_snr_prev = self.posteri_snr return enhanced_fft
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()