Source code for soundpy.feats

'''Feats module includes functions related to converting audio sample data 
to features for analysis, filtering, machine learning, or visualization.  

import os, sys
import inspect
currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(
packagedir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)
sys.path.insert(0, packagedir)

import collections
import numpy as np
import math
import random
import matplotlib
import librosa
from scipy.signal import hann, hamming
from scipy.fftpack import dct
import pathlib
from python_speech_features import fbank, mfcc, delta
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn import preprocessing
import soundpy as sp

# TODO Clean up   
# stereo sound only for plotting 'signal'; NOT for frequency features.
[docs]def plot(feature_matrix, feature_type, save_pic=False, name4pic=None, energy_scale='power_to_db', title=None, sr=None, win_size_ms=None, percent_overlap=None, x_label=None, y_label=None, subprocess=False, overwrite=False): '''Visualize feature extraction; frames on x axis, features on y axis. Uses librosa to scale the data if scale applied. Note: can only take multiple channels if `feature_type` is 'signal'. For other feature types, the plot will not work as expected. Parameters ---------- feature_matrix : np.ndarray [shape=(num_samples,), (num_samples, num_channels), or (num_features, num_frames), dtype=np.float]. Matrix of features. If the features are not of type 'signal' and the shape is 1 D, one dimension will be added to be plotted with a colormesh. feature_type : str Options: 'signal', 'stft', 'mfcc', or 'fbank' features, or what user would like to name the feature set. signal: the 1 D samples of sound. STFT: short-time Fourier transform MFCC: mel frequency cepstral coefficients. FBANK: mel-log filterbank energies (default 'fbank'). save_pic : bool True to save image as .png; False to just plot it. If `subprocess` is True, `save_pic` will automatically be set to True. name4pic : str, optional If `save_pic` set to True, the name the image should be saved under. energy_scale : str, optional If features need to be adjusted, e.g. from power to decibels. Default is 'power_to_db'. title : str, optional The title for the graph. If None, `feature_type` is used. sr : int, optional Useful in plotting the time for features. win_size_ms : int, float, optional Useful in plotting the time for features in the frequency domain (e.g. STFT, FBANK, MFCC features) percent_overlap : int, float, optional Useful in plotting the time for features in the frequency domain (e.g. STFT, FBANK, MFCC features) x_label : str, optional The label to be applied to the x axis. y_label : str, optional The label to be applied to the y axis. subprocess : bool If `subprocess` is True, matplotlib will use backend 'Agg', which only allows plots to be saved. If `subprocess` is False, the default backend 'TkAgg' will be used, which allows plots to be generated live as well as saved. The 'Agg' backend is useful if one wants to visualize sound while a main process is being performed, for example, while a model is being trained. (default False) overwrite : bool If False, if .png file already exists under given name, a date tag will be added to the .png filename to avoid overwriting the file. (default False) Returns ------- None ''' if not subprocess: # can show plots # interferes with training models though matplotlib.use('TkAgg') else: # does not interfere with training models matplotlib.use('Agg') if save_pic is False: import warnings save_pic = True if name4pic is None: location = 'current working directory' else: location = name4pic msg = 'Due to matplotlib using AGG backend, cannot display plot. '+\ 'Therefore, the plot will be saved here: {}'.format(location) warnings.warn(msg) import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # ensure real numbers if feature_matrix.dtype == np.complex64 or feature_matrix.dtype == np.complex128: feature_matrix = np.abs(feature_matrix) # features presented via colormesh need 2D format. if len(feature_matrix.shape) == 1: feature_matrix = np.expand_dims(feature_matrix, axis=1) if 'fbank' in feature_type: axis_feature_label = 'Num Mel Filters' elif 'mfcc' in feature_type: axis_feature_label = 'Num Mel Freq Cepstral Coefficients' elif 'stft' in feature_type: axis_feature_label = 'Number of frames' elif 'signal' in feature_type: axis_feature_label = 'Amplitude' else: axis_feature_label = 'Energy' if energy_scale is None or feature_type == 'signal': energy_label = 'energy' energy_scale = None if energy_scale == 'power_to_db': feature_matrix = librosa.power_to_db(feature_matrix) energy_label = 'decicels' elif energy_scale == 'db_to_power': feature_matrix = librosa.db_to_power(feature_matrix) energy_label = 'power' elif energy_scale == 'amplitude_to_db': feature_matrix = librosa.amplitude_to_db(feature_matrix) energy_label = 'decibels' elif energy_scale == 'db_to_amplitude': feature_matrix = librosa.db_to_amplitude(feature_matrix) energy_label = 'amplitude' plt.clf() if 'signal' not in feature_type: x_axis_label = 'Frequency bins' else: x_axis_label = 'Samples over time' if 'signal' in feature_type: # transpose matrix if second dimension is larger - probably # because channels are in first dimension. Expect in second dimension if not feature_matrix.shape[0] > feature_matrix.shape[1]: feature_matrix = feature_matrix.T if sr is not None: x_axis_label = 'Time (sec)' dur_sec = feature_matrix.shape[0] / sr time_sec = sp.dsp.get_time_points(dur_sec, sr) for channel in range(feature_matrix.shape[1]): data = feature_matrix[:,channel] # overlay the channel data if len(time_sec) > len(data): time_sec = time_sec[:len(data)] elif len(time_sec) < len(data): data = data[:len(time_sec)] plt.plot(time_sec, data) else: for channel in range(feature_matrix.shape[1]): data = feature_matrix[:,channel] # overlay the channel data plt.plot(data) x_axis_label += ' across {} channel(s)'.format(feature_matrix.shape[1]) else: plt.pcolormesh(feature_matrix.T) plt.colorbar(label=energy_label) plt.xlabel(x_axis_label) plt.ylabel(axis_feature_label) # if feature_matrix has multiple frames, not just one if feature_matrix.shape[1] > 1 and 'signal' not in feature_type: if win_size_ms is not None and percent_overlap is not None: # the xticks basically show time but need to be multiplied by 0.01 plt.xlabel('Time (sec)') locs, labels = plt.xticks() if percent_overlap == 0: new_labels=[str(round(i*0.001*win_size_ms,1)) for i in locs] else: new_labels=[str(round(i*0.001*win_size_ms*percent_overlap,1)) for i in locs] plt.xticks(ticks=locs,labels=new_labels) else: plt.xlabel('Number frames') plt.ylabel('Frequency bins') if title is None: plt.title('{} Features'.format(feature_type.upper())) else: plt.title(title) if x_label is not None: plt.xlabel(x_label) if y_label is not None: plt.ylabel(y_label) if save_pic: outputname = name4pic or 'visualize{}feats_{}'.format(feature_type.upper(), sp.utils.get_date()) outputname = sp.utils.string2pathlib(outputname) if outputname.suffix: if outputname.suffix != '.png': # add .png as extension fname = + '.png' outputname = outputname.parent.joinpath(fname) else: fname = outputname.stem + '.png' outputname = outputname.parent.joinpath(fname) if not overwrite: if os.path.exists(outputname): fname = outputname.stem fname += '_'+sp.utils.get_date() outputname = outputname.parent.joinpath(fname+outputname.suffix) plt.savefig(outputname) else:
# tested for stereo sound
[docs]def plotsound(audiodata, feature_type='fbank', win_size_ms = 20, \ percent_overlap = 0.5, fft_bins = None, num_filters=40, num_mfcc=40, sr=None,\ save_pic=False, name4pic=None, energy_scale='power_to_db', mono=None, real_signal=False, **kwargs): '''Visualize feature extraction depending on set parameters. Stereo sound can be graphed. If `feature_type` is 'signal', all channels will be graphed on same plot. Otherwise, each channel will be plotted separately. Parameters ---------- audiodata : str, numpy.ndarray [size=(num_samples,) or (num_samples, num_channels)] If str, wavfile (must be compatible with Otherwise the samples of the sound data. Note: in the latter case, `sr` must be declared. feature_type : str Options: 'signal', 'mfcc', or 'fbank' features. MFCC: mel frequency cepstral coefficients; FBANK: mel-log filterbank energies (default 'fbank') win_size_ms : int or float Window length in milliseconds for Fourier transform to be applied (default 20) percent_overlap : int or float Amount of overlap between processing windows. For example, if `percent_overlap` is set at 0.5, the overlap will be half that of `win_size_ms`. (default 0.5) If an integer is provided, it will be converted to a float between 0 and 1. num_filters : int Number of mel-filters to be used when applying mel-scale. For 'fbank' features, 20-128 are common, with 40 being very common. (default 40) num_mfcc : int Number of mel frequency cepstral coefficients. First coefficient pertains to loudness; 2-13 frequencies relevant for speech; 13-40 for acoustic environment analysis or non-linguistic information. Note: it is not possible to choose only 2-13 or 13-40; if `num_mfcc` is set to 40, all 40 coefficients will be included. (default 40). sr : int, optional The sample rate of the sound data or the desired sample rate of the wavfile to be loaded. (default None) mono : bool, optional When loading an audiofile, True will limit number of channels to one; False will allow more channels to be loaded. (default None, which results in mono channel loading.) **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Keyword arguments for soundpy.feats.plot ''' percent_overlap = check_percent_overlap(percent_overlap) if 'signal' not in feature_type: if isinstance(audiodata, np.ndarray) and len(audiodata.shape) > 1: for channel in range(audiodata.shape[1]): if name4pic is None: name4pic = '{}_channel_{}'.format(feature_type, channel+1) else: name4pic = sp.string2pathlib(name4pic) name = name4pic.stem if channel == 0: name += '_channel{}'.format(channel+1) else: name = name[:-1]+'{}'.format(channel+1) name4pic = name4pic.parent.joinpath(name+name4pic.suffix) if 'title' not in kwargs: kwargs['title'] = '{} features\n(channel {})'.format( feature_type, channel+1) else: if channel == 0: kwargs['title'] += '\n(channel {})'.format(channel+1) else: kwargs['title'] = kwargs['title'][:-2]+'{})'.format( channel+1) feats = sp.feats.get_feats( audiodata[:,channel], feature_type=feature_type, win_size_ms = win_size_ms, percent_overlap = percent_overlap, fft_bins = fft_bins, num_filters=num_filters, num_mfcc = num_mfcc, sr=sr, mono = mono, real_signal = real_signal) sp.feats.plot( feats, feature_type=feature_type, sr=sr, save_pic = save_pic, name4pic=name4pic, energy_scale = energy_scale, win_size_ms = win_size_ms, percent_overlap = percent_overlap, **kwargs) return None feats = sp.feats.get_feats(audiodata, feature_type=feature_type, win_size_ms = win_size_ms, percent_overlap = percent_overlap, fft_bins = fft_bins, num_filters=num_filters, num_mfcc = num_mfcc, sr=sr, mono = mono, real_signal = real_signal) sp.feats.plot(feats, feature_type=feature_type, sr=sr, save_pic = save_pic, name4pic=name4pic, energy_scale = energy_scale, win_size_ms = win_size_ms, percent_overlap = percent_overlap, **kwargs)
# stereo sound with mono (True/False) works for 'signal' data # only mono for frequency features
[docs]def get_feats(sound, sr = None, feature_type = 'fbank', win_size_ms = 20, percent_overlap = 0.5, window = 'hann', fft_bins = None, num_filters = None, num_mfcc = None, remove_first_coefficient = False, sinosoidal_liftering = False, dur_sec = None, mono = None, rate_of_change = False, rate_of_acceleration = False, subtract_mean = False, real_signal = True, fmin = None, fmax = None, zeropad = True): '''Collects raw signal data, stft, fbank, or mfcc features. Parameters ---------- sound : str or numpy.ndarray [size=(num_samples,) or (num_samples, num_channels)] If str, wavfile (must be compatible with Otherwise the samples of the sound data. Note: in the latter case, `sr` must be declared. sr : int, optional The sample rate of the sound data or the desired sample rate of the wavfile to be loaded. (default None) feature_type : str Options include 'signal', 'stft', 'powspec', 'fbank', or 'mfcc' data (default 'fbank'). signal: energy/amplitude measurements along time STFT: short-time fourier transform powspec : power spectrum (absolute value of stft, squared) FBANK: mel-log filterbank energies MFCC: mel frequency cepstral coefficients win_size_ms : int or float Window length in milliseconds for Fourier transform to be applied (default 20) percent_overlap : int or float Amount of overlap between processing windows. For example, if `percent_overlap` is set at 0.5, the overlap will be half that of `win_size_ms`. (default 0.5) If an integer is provided, it will be converted to a float between 0 and 1. window : str or np.ndarray [size (n_fft, )] The window function to be applied to each window. (Default 'hann') fft_bins : int Number of frequency bins to apply in fast Fourier transform. (default None) num_filters : int Number of mel-filters to be used when applying mel-scale. For 'fbank' features, 20-128 are common, with 40 being very common. If None, will be set to 40. (default None) num_mfcc : int Number of mel frequency cepstral coefficients. First coefficient pertains to loudness; 2-13 frequencies relevant for speech; 13-40 for acoustic environment analysis or non-linguistic information. If None, will be set to `num_filters` or 40. (default None). dur_sec : float, optional Time in seconds to limit in loading a signal. (default None) mono: bool, optional For loading an audiofile, True will result in only one channel of data being loaded; False will allow additional channels be loaded. (default None, which results in mono channel data) rate_of_change : bool If True, the first derivative of spectral data will be concatenated to the features. This is applicable for all feature types except 'signal'. rate_of_acceleration : bool If True, the second derivative of spectral data will be concatenated to the features. This is applicable for all feature types except 'signal'. subtract_mean : bool If True, the mean of each feature column will be subtracted from each row. This is applicable for all feature types except 'signal'. Returns ------- feats : tuple (num_samples, sr) or np.ndarray [size (num_frames, num_filters) dtype=np.float or np.complex] Feature data. If `feature_type` is 'signal', returns a tuple containing samples and sampling rate. If `feature_type` is of another type, returns np.ndarray with shape (num_frames, num_filters/features) ''' # load data if isinstance(sound, str) or isinstance(sound, pathlib.PosixPath): if mono is None: mono = True data, sr = sp.loadsound(sound, sr = sr, dur_sec = dur_sec, mono = mono) if mono is False and len(data.shape) > 1: index_samples = np.argmax(data.shape) index_channels = np.argmin(data.shape) num_channels = data.shape[index_channels] # transpose data to be (samples, num_channels) rather than (num_channels, samples) if index_channels == 0: data = data.T # remove additional channel for 'stft', 'fbank' etc. feature # extraction if 'signal' not in feature_type and num_channels > 1: import warnings warnings.warn('Only one channel is used for {}'.format(feature_type)+\ ' feature extraction. Removing extra channels.') data = data[:,0] else: if sr is None: raise ValueError('No samplerate given. Either provide '+\ 'filename or appropriate samplerate.') data, sr = sound, sr if len(data.shape) > 1 and 'signal' not in feature_type: print('Only one channel can be currently used for feature '+\ 'extraction. Using the first channel.') data = data[:,0] elif len(data.shape) > 1 and mono: data = data[:,0] if dur_sec: data = data[:int(sr*dur_sec)] if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): if not np.isfinite(data).all(): raise TypeError('NAN values found in loaded sound samples.') else: raise TypeError('Data is type {} and '.format(type(data))+\ 'a numpy.ndarray was expected.') # ensure percent overlap is between 0 and 1 percent_overlap = check_percent_overlap(percent_overlap) win_shift_ms = win_size_ms - (win_size_ms * percent_overlap) if win_shift_ms <= 0: raise ValueError('`percent_overlap` {} is too high. '.format(percent_overlap)+\ 'The signal cannot be processed with 0 or negative window shift / hop length.') if fft_bins is None: # base on frame length / window: larger windows --> higher freq resolution fft_bins = int(win_size_ms * sr // 1000) if 'stft' in feature_type or 'powspec' in feature_type: feats = sp.feats.get_stft( sound = data, sr = sr, win_size_ms = win_size_ms, percent_overlap = percent_overlap, real_signal = real_signal, fft_bins = fft_bins, window = window, zeropad = zeropad ) elif 'fbank' in feature_type: if num_filters is None: num_filters = 40 feats = sp.feats.get_fbank( sound = data, sr = sr, num_filters = num_filters, win_size_ms = win_size_ms, percent_overlap = percent_overlap, real_signal = real_signal, fft_bins = fft_bins, window = window, zeropad = zeropad ) elif 'mfcc' in feature_type: if num_mfcc is None: if num_filters is not None: num_mfcc = num_filters else: num_mfcc = 40 if num_filters is None: num_filters = 40 feats = sp.feats.get_mfcc( sound = data, sr = sr, num_mfcc = num_mfcc, remove_first_coefficient = remove_first_coefficient, sinosoidal_liftering = sinosoidal_liftering, num_filters = num_filters, win_size_ms = win_size_ms, percent_overlap = percent_overlap, real_signal = real_signal, fft_bins = fft_bins, window = window, zeropad = zeropad ) elif 'signal' in feature_type: if data.dtype == np.complex128 or data.dtype == np.complex64: import warnings msg = '\nWARNING: real raw signal features are being generated '+\ 'from a STFT matrix.' warnings.warn(msg) feats = sp.feats.feats2audio(data, feature_type = 'stft', sr=sr, win_size_ms = win_size_ms, percent_overlap = percent_overlap) else: feats = data # TODO test difference between python_speech_features and librosa if not 'signal' in feature_type: if subtract_mean is True: feats -= (np.mean(feats, axis=0) + 1e-8) if rate_of_change is True: #d1 = delta(feats, N=2) d1 = feats = np.concatenate((feats, d1), axis=1) if rate_of_acceleration is True: #d2 = delta(delta(feats, N=2), N=2) d2 =, order=2).T feats = np.concatenate((feats, d2), axis=1) if 'powspec' in feature_type: feats = sp.dsp.calc_power(feats) return feats
[docs]def load_feat_settings(feat_settings_dict): '''Loads feature settings into named tuple. Sets defaults if not present. TODO: test w previous version ''' FeatureExtractionSettings = collections.namedtuple('FeatureExtractionSettings', ['sr', 'feature_type', 'win_size_ms', 'percent_overlap', 'window', 'dur_sec', 'num_filters','num_mfcc', 'fft_bins', 'remove_first_coefficient','sinosoidal_liftering', 'mono', 'rate_of_change', 'rate_of_acceleration', 'subtract_mean', 'real_signal', 'fmin', 'fmax', 'zeropad', 'input_shape', 'base_shape', 'num_feats']) # newer version of soundpy: 0.1.0a3 # store get_feats kwargs under `kwargs` key if 'kwargs' in feat_settings_dict: kwargs = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue(feat_settings_dict['kwargs']) feat_settings_dict.update(kwargs) # if values saved as strings and should be a list or tuple, restore them to original type: # see `soundpy.utils.restore_dictvalue` sr = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['sr']) feature_type = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['feature_type']) win_size_ms = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['win_size_ms']) percent_overlap = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['percent_overlap']) try: window = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue(feat_settings_dict['window']) except KeyError: # set default here... window = 'hann' dur_sec = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['dur_sec']) try: num_filters = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue(feat_settings_dict['num_filters']) except KeyError: num_filters = None try: num_mfcc = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue(feat_settings_dict['num_mfcc']) except KeyError: num_mfcc = None try: # newer version soundpy 0.1.0v3 fft_bins = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue(feat_settings_dict['fft_bins']) except KeyError: # older version soundpy 0.1.0v2 fft_bins = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue(feat_settings_dict['n_fft']) try: remove_first_coefficient = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['remove_first_coefficient']) except KeyError: remove_first_coefficient = False try: sinosoidal_liftering = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['sinosoidal_liftering']) except KeyError: sinosoidal_liftering = False try: mono = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['mono']) except KeyError: mono = True # default setting try: rate_of_change = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['rate_of_change']) except KeyError: rate_of_change = False try: rate_of_acceleration = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['rate_of_acceleration']) except KeyError: rate_of_acceleration = False try: subtract_mean = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['subtract_mean']) except KeyError: subtract_mean = False try: real_signal = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['real_signal']) except KeyError: real_signal = True try: fmin = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['fmin']) except KeyError: fmin = None try: fmax = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['fmax']) except KeyError: fmax = None try: zeropad = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['zeropad']) except KeyError: zeropad = True try: # older version of soundpy: 0.1.0a2 input_shape = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['input_shape']) except KeyError: # newer version of soundpy: 0.1.0a3 input_shape = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['feat_model_shape']) try: # older version of soundpy: 0.1.0a2 base_shape = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['desired_shape']) except KeyError: # newer version of soundpy: 0.1.0a3 try: base_shape = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['feat_base_shape']) except KeyError: base_shape = input_shape try: # older version of soundpy: 0.1.0a2 num_feats = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue( feat_settings_dict['num_feats']) except KeyError: # newer version of soundpy: 0.1.0a3 num_feats = base_shape[-1] featsettings = FeatureExtractionSettings( sr = sr, feature_type = feature_type, win_size_ms = win_size_ms, percent_overlap = percent_overlap, window = window, dur_sec = dur_sec, num_filters = num_filters, num_mfcc = num_mfcc, fft_bins = fft_bins, remove_first_coefficient = remove_first_coefficient, sinosoidal_liftering = sinosoidal_liftering, mono = mono, rate_of_change = rate_of_change, rate_of_acceleration = rate_of_acceleration, subtract_mean = subtract_mean, real_signal = real_signal, fmin = fmin, fmax = fmax, zeropad = zeropad, input_shape = input_shape, base_shape = base_shape, num_feats = num_feats) return featsettings
# TODO: create class instance where fund freq, vad, etc. can be saved # allows for more control over fft bins / resolution of each iteration.
[docs]def get_stft(sound, sr=22050, win_size_ms = 50, percent_overlap = 0.5, real_signal = False, fft_bins = 1024, window = 'hann', zeropad = True, **kwargs): '''Returns short-time Fourier transform matrix. This function allows more flexibility in number of `fft_bins` and `real_signal` settings. Additionally, this does not require the package librosa, making it a bit easier to manipulate if desired. For an example, see `soundpy.augment.vtlp`. Parameters ---------- sound : np.ndarray [shape=(num_samples,) or (num_samples, num_channels)], str, or pathlib.PosixPath If type np.ndarray, expect raw samples in mono or stereo sound. If type str or pathlib.PosixPath, expect pathway to audio file. sr : int The sample rate of `sound`. win_size_ms : int, float Window length in milliseconds for Fourier transform to be applied (default 50) percent_overlap : int or float Amount of overlap between processing windows. For example, if `percent_overlap` is set at 0.5, the overlap will be half that of `win_size_ms`. (default 0.5) If an integer is provided, it will be converted to a float between 0 and 1. real_signal : bool If True, only half the FFT spectrum will be used; there should really be no difference as the FFT is symmetrical. If anything, setting `real_signal` to True may speed up functionality / make functions more efficient. fft_bins : int Number of frequency bins to use when applying fast Fourier Transform. (default 1024) window : str The window function to apply to each window segment. Options are 'hann' and 'hamming'. (default 'hann') zeropad : bool If True, samples will be zeropadded to fill any partially filled window. If False, the samples constituting the partially filled window will be cut off. **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Keyword arguments for `soundpy.files.loadsound`. Returns ------- stft_matrix : np.ndarray[size=(num_frames, fft_bins)] ''' if isinstance(sound, np.ndarray): if sound.dtype == np.complex_: import warnings msg = '\nWARNING: data provided to `soundpy.feats.get_stft` is already'+\ ' a STFT matrix. Returning original data.' warnings.warn(msg) return sound data = sound else: data, sr2 = sp.loadsound(sound, sr=sr, **kwargs) assert sr2 == sr frame_length = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length(win_size_ms, sr) num_overlap_samples = int(frame_length * percent_overlap) num_subframes = sp.dsp.calc_num_subframes(len(data), frame_length = frame_length, overlap_samples = num_overlap_samples, zeropad = zeropad) if fft_bins is None: fft_bins = int(win_size_ms * sr // 1000) total_rows = fft_bins // 2 + 1 # if mono, only one channel; otherwise match num channels in sound signal if sp.dsp.ismono(data): stft_matrix = sp.dsp.create_empty_matrix( (num_subframes, total_rows), complex_vals = True) else: stft_matrix = sp.dsp.create_empty_matrix( (num_subframes, total_rows, data.shape[1]), complex_vals = True) section_start = 0 window_frame = sp.dsp.create_window(window, frame_length) for frame in range(num_subframes): section = data[section_start:section_start+frame_length] section = sp.dsp.apply_window(section, window_frame, zeropad = zeropad) section_fft = sp.dsp.calc_fft(section, real_signal = real_signal, fft_bins = fft_bins, ) stft_matrix[frame] = section_fft[:total_rows] section_start += (frame_length - num_overlap_samples) return stft_matrix
[docs]def get_fbank(sound, sr, num_filters, fmin=None, fmax=None, fft_bins = None, **kwargs): '''Extract mel-filterbank energy features from audio. Parameters ---------- sound : np.ndarray [size=(num_samples,) or (num_samples, num_features)], str, or pathlib.PosixPath Sound in raw samples, a power spectrum, or a short-time-fourier-transform. If type string or pathlib.PosixPath, expect pathway to audio file. sr : int The sample rate of `sound`. num_filters : int The number of mel-filters to use when extracting mel-filterbank energies. fmin : int or float, optional The minimum frequency of interest. If None, will be set to 0. (default None) fmax : int or float, optional The maximum frequency of interst. If None, will be set to half of `sr`. (default None) fft_bins : int, optional The number of frequency bins / fast Fourier transform bins used in calculating the fast Fourier transform. If None, set depending on type of parameter `sound`. If `sound` is a raw signal or audio pathway, `fft_bins` will be set to 1024; if `sound` is a STFT or power spectrum, `fft_bins` will be set to 2 * length of `sound` feature column, or 2 * sound.shape[1]. **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Keyword arguments for `soundpy.feats.get_stft`. Returns ------- fbank : np.ndarray [shape=(num_samples, num_filters)] The mel-filterbank energeis extracted. The number of samples depends on the parameters applied in `soundpy.feats.get_stft`. References ---------- Fayek, H. M. (2016). Speech Processing for Machine Learning: Filter banks, Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) and What’s In-Between. Retrieved from: ''' if isinstance(sound, np.ndarray): if sound.dtype == np.complex64 or sound.dtype == np.complex128: stft = True # probably a power spectrum without complex values... # TODO improve elif len(sound.shape) > 1 and sound.shape[1] > sound.shape[0]: stft = True else: stft = False else: # probably a pathway - load in get_stft stft = False if fmin is None: fmin = 0 if fmax is None: fmax = sr/2 mel_points = sp.dsp.fbank_filters(fmin, fmax, num_filters = num_filters) hz_points = sp.dsp.mel_to_hz(mel_points) if fft_bins is None: if stft is True: # assumes number of fft bins is the length of second column # fft_bins = (sound.shape[1]-1) * 2 else: try: fft_bins = int(kwargs['win_size_ms'] * sr // 1000) except KeyError: fft_bins = 512 freq_bins = np.floor((fft_bins + 1) * hz_points / sr) if stft: # use number of fft columns in stft as reference fbank = np.zeros((num_filters, sound.shape[1])) else: fbank = np.zeros((num_filters, int(np.floor(fft_bins / 2 + 1)))) for m in range(1, num_filters + 1): f_m_minus = int(freq_bins[m - 1]) # left f_m = int(freq_bins[m]) # center f_m_plus = int(freq_bins[m + 1]) # right for k in range(f_m_minus, f_m): fbank[m - 1, k] = (k - freq_bins[m - 1]) / (freq_bins[m] - freq_bins[m -1]) for k in range(f_m, f_m_plus): fbank[m - 1, k] = (freq_bins[m + 1] - k) / (freq_bins[m + 1] - freq_bins[m]) if stft: if np.min(sound) < 0: powspec = sp.dsp.calc_power(sound) else: powspec = sound else: sound_stft = sp.feats.get_stft(sound, sr=sr, fft_bins = fft_bins, **kwargs) powspec = sp.dsp.calc_power(sound_stft) filter_banks =, fbank.T) filter_banks = np.where(filter_banks == 0, np.finfo(float).eps, filter_banks) # numerical stability return filter_banks
[docs]def get_mfcc(sound, sr, num_mfcc, remove_first_coefficient=False, sinosoidal_liftering = False, **kwargs): '''Extracts mel-frequency cepstral coefficients from audio. Parameters ---------- sound : np.ndarray [size=(num_samples,) or (num_samples, num_features)] or str or pathlib.PosixPath If `sound` is a np.ndarray, expected as raw samples, a power spectrum or a short-time Fourier transform. If string or pathlib.PosixPath, should be the pathway to the audio file. sr : int The sample rate of the `sound`. num_mfcc : int The number of mel-frequency cepstral coefficients remove_first_coefficient : bool If True, the first coefficient, representing amplitude or volume of signal, is removed. Found to sometimes improve automatic speech recognition. (default False) sinosoidal_liftering : bool If True, reduces influence of higher coefficients, found to aid in handling noise in background in automatic speech recognition. (default False) **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Keyword arguments for soundpy.feats.get_fbank() References ---------- Fayek, H. M. (2016). Speech Processing for Machine Learning: Filter banks, Mel-Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCCs) and What’s In-Between. Retrieved from ''' fbank = sp.feats.get_fbank(sound, sr=sr, **kwargs) mfcc = dct(fbank, type=2, axis=1, norm='ortho') if remove_first_coefficient is True: mfcc = mfcc[:,1:num_mfcc] else: mfcc = mfcc[:,:num_mfcc] return mfcc
[docs]def get_vad_stft(sound, sr=48000, win_size_ms = 50, percent_overlap = 0.5, real_signal = False, fft_bins = 1024, window = 'hann', use_beg_ms = 120, extend_window_ms = 0, energy_thresh = 40, freq_thresh = 185, sfm_thresh = 5, zeropad = True, **kwargs): '''Returns STFT matrix and VAD matrix. STFT matrix contains only VAD sections. Parameters ---------- sound : str or numpy.ndarray [size=(num_samples,) or (num_samples, num_channels)] If str, wavfile (must be compatible with Otherwise the samples of the sound data. Note: in the latter case, `sr` must be declared. sr : int, optional The sample rate of the sound data or the desired sample rate of the wavfile to be loaded. (default None) win_size_ms : int or float Window length in milliseconds for Fourier transform to be applied (default 50) percent_overlap : int or float Amount of overlap between processing windows. For example, if `percent_overlap` is set at 0.5, the overlap will be half that of `win_size_ms`. (default 0.5) If an integer is provided, it will be converted to a float between 0 and 1. real_signal : bool If True, only half the FFT spectrum will be used; there should really be no difference as the FFT is symmetrical. If anything, setting `real_signal` to True may speed up functionality / make functions more efficient. fft_bins : int Number of frequency bins to use when applying fast Fourier Transform. (default 1024) window : str The window function to apply to each window segment. Options are 'hann' and 'hamming'. (default 'hann') use_beg_ms : int The amount of time in milliseconds to use from beginning of signal to estimate background noise. extend_window_ms : int The amount of time in milliseconds to pad or extend the identified VAD segments. This may be useful to include more speech / sound, if desired. energy_thresh : int The threshold to set for measuring energy for VAD in the signal. (default 40) freq_thresh : int The threshold to set for measuring frequency for VAD in the signal. (default 185) sfm_thresh : int The threshold to set for measuring spectral flatness for VAD in the signal. (default 5) zeropad : bool If True, samples will be zeropadded to fill any partially filled window. If False, the samples constituting the partially filled window will be cut off. **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Keyword arguments for `soundpy.files.loadsound` Returns ------- stft_matrix : np.ndarray [size=(num_frames_vad, fft_bins//2+1), dtype=np.complex_] The STFT matrix frames of where voice activity has been detected. vad_matrix_extwin : np.ndarray [size=(num_frames,)] A vector containing indices of the full STFT matrix for frames of where voice activity was detected or not. ''' # raise ValueError if percent_overlap is not supported if percent_overlap != 0 and percent_overlap < 0.5: raise ValueError('For this VAD function, `percent_overlap` ' +\ 'set to {} is not currently supported.\n'.format(percent_overlap) +\ 'Suggested to set at either 0 or 0.5') if percent_overlap > 0.5: import warnings msg = '\nWarning: for this VAD function, parameter `percent_overlap` has most success '+\ 'when set at 0 or 0.5' # raise warnings if sample rate lower than 44100 Hz if sr < 44100: import warnings msg = '\nWarning: voice-activity-detection works best with sample '+\ 'rates above 44100 Hz. Current `sr` set at {}.'.format(sr) warnings.warn(msg) if isinstance(sound, np.ndarray): data = sound.copy() else: data, sr2 = sp.loadsound(sound, sr=sr, **kwargs) assert sr2 == sr frame_length = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length(win_size_ms, sr) num_overlap_samples = int(frame_length * percent_overlap) num_subframes = sp.dsp.calc_num_subframes(len(data), frame_length = frame_length, overlap_samples = num_overlap_samples, zeropad = zeropad) # set number of subframes for extending window extwin_num_samples = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length(extend_window_ms, sr) num_win_subframes = sp.dsp.calc_num_subframes(extwin_num_samples, frame_length = frame_length, overlap_samples = num_overlap_samples, zeropad = zeropad) total_rows = fft_bins if len(data.shape) > 1 and data.shape[1] > 1: stereo = True stft_matrix = sp.dsp.create_empty_matrix( (num_subframes, total_rows, data.shape[1]), complex_vals = True) # stereo sound --> average out channels for measuring energy data_vad = sp.dsp.average_channels(data) else: stereo = False stft_matrix = sp.dsp.create_empty_matrix( (num_subframes, total_rows), complex_vals = True) data_vad = data vad_matrix, (sr, e, f, sfm) = sp.dsp.vad(data_vad, sr, win_size_ms = win_size_ms, percent_overlap = percent_overlap, use_beg_ms = use_beg_ms, energy_thresh = energy_thresh, freq_thresh = freq_thresh, sfm_thresh = sfm_thresh) vad_matrix_extwin = vad_matrix.copy() # extend VAD windows where VAD indicated if extend_window_ms > 0: for i, row in enumerate(vad_matrix): if row > 0: # label samples before VAD as VAD if i > num_win_subframes: vad_matrix_extwin[i-num_win_subframes:i] = 1 else: vad_matrix_extwin[:i] = 1 # label samples before VAD as VAD if i + num_win_subframes < len(vad_matrix): vad_matrix_extwin[i:num_win_subframes+i] = 1 else: vad_matrix_extwin[i:] = 1 section_start = 0 extra_rows = 0 window_frame = sp.dsp.create_window(window, frame_length) row = 0 for frame in range(num_subframes): vad = vad_matrix_extwin[frame] if vad > 0: section = data[section_start:section_start+frame_length] section = sp.dsp.apply_window(section, window_frame, zeropad = zeropad) section_fft = sp.dsp.calc_fft(section, real_signal = real_signal, fft_bins = total_rows, ) stft_matrix[row] = section_fft row += 1 else: extra_rows += 1 section_start += (frame_length - num_overlap_samples) stft_matrix = stft_matrix[:-extra_rows] return stft_matrix[:,:fft_bins//2+1], vad_matrix_extwin
[docs]def get_stft_clipped(samples, sr, win_size_ms = 50, percent_overlap = 0.5, extend_window_ms = 0, window = 'hann', zeropad = True, **kwargs): '''Returns STFT matrix and VAD matrix with beginning and ending silence removed. Parameters ---------- samples : str or numpy.ndarray [size=(num_samples,) or (num_samples, num_channels)] If str, wavfile (must be compatible with Otherwise the samples of the sound data. sr : int, optional The sample rate of the sound data or the desired sample rate of the wavfile to be loaded. win_size_ms : int or float Window length in milliseconds for Fourier transform to be applied (default 50) percent_overlap : int or float Amount of overlap between processing windows. For example, if `percent_overlap` is set at 0.5, the overlap will be half that of `win_size_ms`. (default 0.5) If an integer is provided, it will be converted to a float between 0 and 1. extend_window_ms : int The amount of time in milliseconds to pad or extend the identified VAD segments. This may be useful to include more speech / sound, if desired. window : str The window function to apply to each window segment. Options are 'hann' and 'hamming'. (default 'hann') zeropad : bool If True, samples will be zeropadded to fill any partially filled window. If False, the samples constituting the partially filled window will be cut off. **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Keyword arguments for `soundpy.files.loadsound`. Returns ------- stft_speech : np.ndarry [size (num_frames_clipped, fft_bins//2+1)] The STFT of the `samples` with beginning and ending silences clipped. vad_matrix : np.ndarry [size (num_frames, )] A vector with zeros and ones indicating which indices of the full STFT that have voice activity or not. ''' stft = sp.feats.get_stft(samples, sr, win_size_ms = win_size_ms, percent_overlap = percent_overlap, window = window, zeropad = zeropad) energy = sp.dsp.get_energy(stft) energy_mean = sp.dsp.get_energy_mean(energy) beg_index, beg_speech_found = sp.dsp.sound_index( energy,energy_mean,start=True) end_index, end_speech_found = sp.dsp.sound_index( energy,energy_mean,start=False) vad_matrix = np.zeros(len(stft)) if beg_speech_found == False or end_speech_found == False: import warnings msg = '\nNo speech detected' warnings.warn(msg) return [], vad_matrix if beg_index < end_index: if extend_window_ms > 0: extra_samples = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length(extend_window_ms, sr) num_win_subframes = sp.dsp.calc_num_subframes( extra_samples, frame_length = frame_length, overlap_samples = num_overlap_samples, zeropad = zeropad) beg_index -= num_win_subframes if beg_index < 0: beg_index = 0 end_index += num_win_subframes if end_index > len(vad_matrix): end_index = len(vad_matrix) stft_speech = stft[beg_index:end_index] vad_matrix[beg_index:end_index] = 1 return stft_speech, vad_matrix return [], vad_matrix
[docs]def get_vad_samples(sound, sr=None, win_size_ms = 50, percent_overlap = 0.5, use_beg_ms = 120, extend_window_ms = 0, energy_thresh = 40, freq_thresh = 185, sfm_thresh = 5, window = 'hann', zeropad = True, **kwargs): '''Returns samples and VAD matrix. Only samples where with VAD are returned. Parameters ---------- sound : str or numpy.ndarray [size=(num_samples,) or (num_samples, num_channels)] If str, wavfile (must be compatible with Otherwise the samples of the sound data. Note: in the latter case, `sr` must be declared. sr : int, optional The sample rate of the sound data or the desired sample rate of the wavfile to be loaded. (default None) win_size_ms : int or float Window length in milliseconds for Fourier transform to be applied (default 50) percent_overlap : int or float Amount of overlap between processing windows. For example, if `percent_overlap` is set at 0.5, the overlap will be half that of `win_size_ms`. (default 0.5) If an integer is provided, it will be converted to a float between 0 and 1. use_beg_ms : int The amount of time in milliseconds to use from beginning of signal to estimate background noise. extend_window_ms : int The amount of time in milliseconds to pad or extend the identified VAD segments. This may be useful to include more speech / sound, if desired. energy_thresh : int The threshold to set for measuring energy for VAD in the signal. (default 40) freq_thresh : int The threshold to set for measuring frequency for VAD in the signal. (default 185) sfm_thresh : int The threshold to set for measuring spectral flatness for VAD in the signal. (default 5) window : str The window function to apply to each window segment. Options are 'hann' and 'hamming'. (default 'hann') zeropad : bool If True, samples will be zeropadded to fill any partially filled window. If False, the samples constituting the partially filled window will be cut off. **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Keyword arguments for `soundpy.files.loadsound` Returns ------- samples_matrix : np.ndarray [size = (num_samples_vad, )] The samples of where voice activity was detected. vad_matrix_extwin : np.ndarray [size = (num_frames, )] A vector of zeros and ones indicating the frames / windows of the samples that either had voice activity or not. ''' # raise error if percent_overlap is not supported if percent_overlap != 0 and percent_overlap < 0.5: raise ValueError('For this VAD function, `percent_overlap` ' +\ 'set to {} is not currently supported.\n'.format(percent_overlap) +\ 'Suggested to set at either 0 or 0.5') if percent_overlap > 0.5: import warnings msg = '\nWarning: for this VAD function, parameter `percent_overlap` has most success '+\ 'when set at 0 or 0.5' # raise warnings if sample rate lower than 44100 Hz if sr < 44100: import warnings msg = '\nWarning: voice-activity-detection works best with sample '+\ 'rates above 44100 Hz. Current `sr` set at {}.'.format(sr) warnings.warn(msg) if isinstance(sound, np.ndarray): data = sound else: data, sr2 = sp.loadsound(sound, sr=sr, **kwargs) assert sr2 == sr frame_length = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length(win_size_ms, sr) num_overlap_samples = int(frame_length * percent_overlap) num_subframes = sp.dsp.calc_num_subframes(len(data), frame_length = frame_length, overlap_samples = num_overlap_samples, zeropad = zeropad) # set number of subframes for extending window extwin_num_samples = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length(extend_window_ms, sr) num_win_subframes = sp.dsp.calc_num_subframes(extwin_num_samples, frame_length = frame_length, overlap_samples = num_overlap_samples, zeropad = zeropad) samples_matrix = sp.dsp.create_empty_matrix((len(data)), complex_vals = False) vad_matrix, (sr, e, f, sfm) = sp.dsp.vad(data, sr, win_size_ms = win_size_ms, percent_overlap = percent_overlap, use_beg_ms = use_beg_ms, energy_thresh = energy_thresh, freq_thresh = freq_thresh, sfm_thresh = sfm_thresh) vad_matrix_extwin = vad_matrix.copy() # extend VAD windows with if VAD found if extend_window_ms > 0: for i, row in enumerate(vad_matrix): if row > 0: # label samples before VAD as VAD if i > num_win_subframes: vad_matrix_extwin[i-num_win_subframes:i] = 1 else: vad_matrix_extwin[:i] = 1 # label samples before VAD as VAD if i + num_win_subframes < len(vad_matrix): vad_matrix_extwin[i:num_win_subframes+i] = 1 else: vad_matrix_extwin[i:] = 1 section_start = 0 extra_rows = 0 row = 0 window_frame = sp.dsp.create_window(window, frame_length) for frame in range(num_subframes): vad = vad_matrix_extwin[frame] if vad > 0: section = data[section_start : section_start + frame_length] if percent_overlap > 0: # apply overlap add to signal section_windowed = sp.dsp.apply_window(section, window_frame, zeropad = zeropad) samples_matrix[row : row + frame_length] += section_windowed else: samples_matrix[row : row + frame_length] += section row += (frame_length - num_overlap_samples) else: extra_rows += frame_length - num_overlap_samples section_start += (frame_length - num_overlap_samples) samples_matrix = samples_matrix[:-extra_rows] return samples_matrix, vad_matrix_extwin
[docs]def get_samples_clipped(samples, sr, win_size_ms = 50, percent_overlap = 0.5, extend_window_ms = 0, window = 'hann', zeropad = True, **kwargs): '''Returns samples and VAD matrix with beginning and ending silence removed. Parameters ---------- samples : str or numpy.ndarray [size=(num_samples,) or (num_samples, num_channels)] If str, wavfile (must be compatible with Otherwise the samples of the sound data. sr : int, optional The sample rate of the sound data or the desired sample rate of the wavfile to be loaded. win_size_ms : int or float Window length in milliseconds for Fourier transform to be applied (default 50) percent_overlap : int or float Amount of overlap between processing windows. For example, if `percent_overlap` is set at 0.5, the overlap will be half that of `win_size_ms`. (default 0.5) If an integer is provided, it will be converted to a float between 0 and 1. extend_window_ms : int The amount of time in milliseconds to pad or extend the identified VAD segments. This may be useful to include more speech / sound, if desired. (default 0) window : str The window function to apply to each window segment. Options are 'hann' and 'hamming'. (default 'hann') zeropad : bool If True, samples will be zeropadded to fill any partially filled window. If False, the samples constituting the partially filled window will be cut off. **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Keyword arguments for `soundpy.files.loadsound`. Returns ------- stft_speech : np.ndarry [size (num_frames_clipped, fft_bins//2+1)] The STFT of the `samples` with beginning and ending silences clipped. vad_matrix : np.ndarry [size (num_frames, )] A vector with zeros and ones indicating which indices of the full STFT that have voice activity or not. ''' if not isinstance(samples, np.ndarray): samples, sr = sp.loadsound(samples, sr=sr) stft = sp.feats.get_stft(samples,sr, win_size_ms = win_size_ms, percent_overlap = percent_overlap, window = window, zeropad = zeropad) energy = sp.dsp.get_energy(stft) energy_mean = sp.dsp.get_energy_mean(energy) beg = sp.dsp.sound_index(energy,energy_mean,start=True) end = sp.dsp.sound_index(energy,energy_mean,start=False) vad_matrix = np.zeros(len(samples)) if beg[1] == False or end[1] == False: import warnings msg = 'No speech detected' warnings.warn(msg) return [], vad_matrix perc_start = beg[0]/len(energy) perc_end = end[0]/len(energy) sample_start = int(perc_start*len(samples)) sample_end = int(perc_end*len(samples)) if sample_start < sample_end: if extend_window_ms > 0: extra_frames = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length(extend_window_ms, sr) sample_start -= extra_frames if sample_start < 0: sample_start = 0 sample_end += extra_frames if sample_end > len(vad_matrix): sample_end = len(vad_matrix) samples_speech = samples[sample_start:sample_end] vad_matrix[sample_start:sample_end] = 1 return samples_speech, vad_matrix import warnings msg = 'No speech detected' warnings.warn(msg) return [], vad_matrix
# have applied to stft matrix, looks good
[docs]def normalize(data, max_val=None, min_val=None): '''Normalizes data to be between 0 and 1. Should not be applied to raw sample data. This is useful if you have predetermined max and min values you want to normalize new data with. Is helpful in training models on sound features (not raw samples). Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray [size=(num_features,) or (num_frames,num_features)] Data to be normalized. max_val : int or float, optional Predetermined maximum value. If None, will use max value from `data`. min_val : int or float, optional Predetermined minimum value. If None, will use min value from `data`. Returns ------- normed_data : np.ndarray [size = (num_features,) or (num_frames, num_features)] Examples -------- >>> # using the min and max of a previous dataset: >>> import numpy as np >>> np.random.seed(0) >>> input_samples = np.random.random_sample((5,)) >>> input_samples array([0.5488135 , 0.71518937, 0.60276338, 0.54488318, 0.4236548 ]) >>> np.random.seed(40) >>> previous_samples = np.random.random_sample((5,)) >>> previous_samples array([0.40768703, 0.05536604, 0.78853488, 0.28730518, 0.45035059]) >>> max_prev = np.max(previous_samples) >>> min_prev = np.min(previous_samples) >>> output_samples = normalize(input_samples, min_val = min_prev, max_val = max_prev) >>> output_samples array([0.67303388, 0.89996095, 0.74661839, 0.66767314, 0.50232462]) ''' if data.dtype == np.complex_: # take power of absoulte value of stft data = np.abs(data)**2 # add epsilon to avoid division by zero error eps = 2**-52 if max_val is None: normed_data = (data - np.min(data)) / (np.max(data) - np.min(data) + eps) else: if min_val is None: min_val = -max_val normed_data = (data - min_val) / (max_val - min_val + eps) return normed_data
# checked for stereo sound - works: plots each channel in separate plot
[docs]def plot_dom_freq(sound, energy_scale = 'power_to_db', title = None, save_pic = False, name4pic = None, overwrite = False, **kwargs): '''Plots the approximate dominant frequency over a STFT plot of a signal. If `sound` has multiple channels, the VAD for each channel is plotted in its own plot. Parameters ---------- sound : np.ndarray [shape=(num_samples,) or (num_samples, num_channels)] The sound to plot the dominant frequency of. energy_scale : str The scale of energy for the plot. If in frequency spectrum, likey in power and needs to be put into db. (default 'power_to_db') title : str The title for the plot. (default None) **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Keyword arguments used in both `soundpy.feats.get_stft` and `soundpy.dsp.get_pitch`. Returns ------- None ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # ensure numpy array if not isinstance(sound, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('Function `soundpy.feats.plot_vad` expects a '+\ 'numpy.ndarray, not type {}.'.format(type(sound))) # ensure sample rate is provided if 'sr' not in kwargs: raise ValueError('Function `soundpy.feats.plot_vad` requires sample rate'+\ ' of the provided audio samples. Please provide the sample rate '+\ 'under the parameter `sr`.') # set defaults if not provided if 'win_size_ms' not in kwargs: kwargs['win_size_ms'] = 20 if 'percent_overlap' not in kwargs: kwargs['percent_overlap'] = 0.5 y, sr = sound, kwargs['sr'] if len(y.shape) == 1: # add channel column y = y.reshape(y.shape+(1,)) elif y.shape[1] > 11: import warnings msg = '\nWARNING: provided `sound` data could be in the wrong format. \n'+\ 'Function `soundpy.feats.plot_vad` expects raw sample data. Data '+\ 'provided could be a stft, fbank, mfcc matrix or some other data'+\ ' format. If plot results do not appear as expected, check data.' warnings.warn(msg) if 'mono' in kwargs and kwargs['mono'] is True: y = y[:,0] y = y.reshape(y.shape+(1,)) for channel in range(y.shape[1]): stft_matrix = sp.feats.get_stft(y[:,channel], **kwargs) # remove complex info for plotting: power_matrix = sp.dsp.calc_power(stft_matrix) pitch = sp.dsp.get_pitch(sound, **kwargs) if energy_scale == 'power_to_db': db_matrix = librosa.power_to_db(power_matrix) plt.pcolormesh(db_matrix.T) # limit the y axis; otherwise y axis goes way too high axes = plt.gca() axes.set_ylim([0,db_matrix.shape[1]]) color = 'yellow' linestyle = ':' plt.plot(pitch, 'ro', color=color) if not title: title = 'Appx Dominant Frequency' # adjust title if more than one channel if y.shape[1] > 1: if channel == 0: title += '\n(channel {})'.format(channel+1) else: title = title[:-2] + '{})'.format(channel+1) plt.title(title) if not save_pic: # set up name for saving the plot, given channel number and if other files exist else: if name4pic is None: name4pic = 'dom_freq' if y.shape[1] > 1: name4pic += '_channel{}'.format(channel+1) name4pic = sp.utils.string2pathlib(name4pic+'.png') else: name4pic = sp.utils.string2pathlib(name4pic) if y.shape[1] > 1: if channel == 0: name = name4pic.stem + '_channel{}'.format(channel+1) name4pic = name4pic.parent.joinpath(name, name4pic.suffix) else: name = name4pic.stem[:-1] + str(channel+1) name4pic = name4pic.parent.joinpath(name + name4pic.suffix) if not name4pic.suffix: name4pic = name4pic.parent.joinpath(name4pic.stem+'.png') if not overwrite: if os.path.exists(name4pic): final_name = name4pic.stem + '_' + sp.utils.get_date() final_name = name4pic.parent.joinpath(final_name+name4pic.suffix) else: final_name = name4pic else: final_name = name4pic plt.savefig(final_name)
# checked for stereo sound - works: plots each channel in separate plot
[docs]def plot_vad(sound, energy_scale = 'power_to_db', title = 'Voice Activity', use_beg_ms = 120, extend_window_ms=0, beg_end_clipped = True, save_pic = False, name4pic = None, overwrite = False, **kwargs): '''Plots where voice (sound) activity detected on power spectrum. This either plots immediately or saves the plot at `name4pic`. If `sound` has multiple channels, the VAD for each channel is plotted in its own plot. Parameters ---------- sound : np.ndarray [shape=(num_samples,) or (num_samples, num_channels)] The sound to plot the VAD of. energy_scale : str If plotting STFT or power spectrum, will plot it in decibels. (default 'power_to_db') title : str The title of the plot (default 'Voice Activity') use_beg_ms : int The amount of noise to use at the beginning of the signal to measuer VAD. This is only applied if `beg_end_silence` is set to False. extend_window_ms : int The number of milliseconds VAD should be padded. This is useful if one wants to encompass more speech if the VAD is not including all the speech / desired sound. However, this may capture more noise. (default 0) beg_end_silence : bool If True, just the silences at the beginning and end of the sample will be cut off. If False, VAD will be checked throughout the sample, not just the beginning and end. NOTE: Both options have strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes the VAD checking the entire signal is unreliable (e.i. when `beg_end_silence is set to False`), not recognizing speech in speech filled samples. And when set to True, some speech sounds tend to get ignored ('s', 'x' and other fricatives). save_pic : bool If True, the plot will be saved rather than plotted immediately. name4pic : str The full pathway and filename to save the picture (as .png file). A file extension is expected. (default None) overwrite : bool If False, a date tag will be added to `name4pic` if `name4pic` already exists. (default False) **kwargs : keyword arguments Additional keyword arguments for `soundpy.feats.get_speech_stft` or `soundpy.dsp.vad`. Returns ------- None ''' import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # ensure numpy array if not isinstance(sound, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('Function `soundpy.feats.plot_vad` expects a '+\ 'numpy.ndarray, not type {}.'.format(type(sound))) # ensure sample rate is provided if 'sr' not in kwargs: raise ValueError('Function `soundpy.feats.plot_vad` requires sample rate'+\ ' of the provided audio samples. Please provide the sample rate '+\ 'under the parameter `sr`.') else: # ensure sr is at least 44100; otherwise raise warning # vad does not work as well with lower sample rates if kwargs['sr'] < 44100: import warnings msg = '\nWarning: VAD works best with sample rates at or above '+\ '44100 Hz. To supress this warning, resample the audio from'+\ ' {} Hz to at least 44100 Hz.'.format(kwargs['sr']) warnings.warn(msg) # set defaults if not in kwargs if 'win_size_ms' not in kwargs: kwargs['win_size_ms'] = 50 if 'percent_overlap' not in kwargs: kwargs['percent_overlap'] = 0.5 y, sr = sound, kwargs['sr'] if len(y.shape) == 1: # add channel column y = y.reshape(y.shape+(1,)) elif y.shape[1] > 11: import warnings msg = '\nWARNING: provided `sound` data could be in the wrong format. \n'+\ 'Function `soundpy.feats.plot_vad` expects raw sample data. Data '+\ 'provided could be a stft, fbank, mfcc matrix or some other data'+\ ' format. If plot results do not appear as expected, check data.' warnings.warn(msg) if 'mono' in kwargs and kwargs['mono'] is True: y = y[:,0] y = y.reshape(y.shape+(1,)) for channel in range(y.shape[1]): stft_matrix = sp.feats.get_stft(y[:,channel], **kwargs) if beg_end_clipped: stft_vad, vad_matrix = sp.feats.get_stft_clipped(y[:,channel], **kwargs) else: #vad_matrix, __ = sp.dsp.vad(y[:,channel], use_beg_ms = use_beg_ms, **kwargs) stft_vad, vad_matrix = sp.feats.get_vad_stft(y[:,channel], use_beg_ms = use_beg_ms, **kwargs) # extend window of VAD if desired if extend_window_ms > 0: frame_length = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length(kwargs['win_size_ms'], kwargs['sr']) num_overlap_samples = int(frame_length * kwargs['percent_overlap']) # set number of subframes for extending window extwin_num_samples = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length(extend_window_ms, kwargs['sr']) num_win_subframes = sp.dsp.calc_num_subframes(extwin_num_samples, frame_length = frame_length, overlap_samples = num_overlap_samples, zeropad = True) vad_matrix_extwin = vad_matrix.copy() for i, row in enumerate(vad_matrix): if row > 0: # label samples before VAD as VAD if i > num_win_subframes: vad_matrix_extwin[i-num_win_subframes:i] = 1 else: vad_matrix_extwin[:i] = 1 # label samples before VAD as VAD if i + num_win_subframes < len(vad_matrix): vad_matrix_extwin[i:num_win_subframes+i] = 1 else: vad_matrix_extwin[i:] = 1 vad_matrix = vad_matrix_extwin # remove complex info for plotting: power_matrix = sp.dsp.calc_power(stft_matrix) db_matrix = librosa.power_to_db(power_matrix) y_axis = db_matrix.shape[1] if max(vad_matrix) > 0: vad_matrix = sp.dsp.scalesound(vad_matrix, max_val = y_axis, min_val = 0) plt.pcolormesh(db_matrix.T) # limit the y axis; otherwise y axis goes way too high axes = plt.gca() axes.set_ylim([0,db_matrix.shape[1]]) color = 'yellow' linestyle = ':' plt.plot(vad_matrix, 'ro', color=color) if not title: title = 'Voice Activity in Signal' if beg_end_clipped and 'clipped' not in title: title += ' (clipped)' # adjust title if more than one channel if y.shape[1] > 1: if channel == 0: title += '\n(channel {})'.format(channel+1) else: title = title[:-2] + '{})'.format(channel+1) plt.title(title) if not save_pic: # set up name for saving the plot, given channel number and if other files exist else: if name4pic is None: name4pic = 'vad' if beg_end_clipped: name4pic += '_clipped' if y.shape[1] > 1: name4pic += '_channel{}'.format(channel+1) name4pic = sp.utils.string2pathlib(name4pic+'.png') else: name4pic = sp.utils.string2pathlib(name4pic) if y.shape[1] > 1: if channel == 0: name = name4pic.stem + '_channel{}'.format(channel+1) name4pic = name4pic.parent.joinpath(name, name4pic.suffix) else: name = name4pic.stem[:-1] + str(channel+1) name4pic = name4pic.parent.joinpath(name + name4pic.suffix) if not name4pic.suffix: name4pic = name4pic.parent.joinpath(name4pic.stem+'.png') if not overwrite: if os.path.exists(name4pic): final_name = name4pic.stem + '_' + sp.utils.get_date() final_name = name4pic.parent.joinpath(final_name+name4pic.suffix) else: final_name = name4pic else: final_name = name4pic plt.savefig(final_name)
[docs]def get_change_acceleration_rate(spectro_data): '''Gets first and second derivatives of spectral data. This is useful particularly for speech recognition. Parameters ---------- spectro_data : np.ndarray [shape = (num_samples, num_features)] Returns ------- delta : np.ndarray [shape = (num_samples, num_features)] The first order derivative of spectral data. Reflects rate of change in signal. delta_delta : np.ndarray [shape = (num_samples, num_features)] The second order derivative of spectral data. Reflects rate of acceleration in signal. ''' spectro_data = spectro_data.T #first derivative = delta (rate of change) delta = #second derivative = delta delta (acceleration changes) delta_delta =,order=2) delta = delta.T delta_delta = delta_delta.T return delta, delta_delta
[docs]def get_mfcc_fbank(samples, feature_type='mfcc', sr=48000, win_size_ms=20, percent_overlap=0.5, num_filters=40, num_mfcc=40, fft_bins = None, window_function = None, zeropad = True, **kwargs): '''Collects fbank or mfcc features via python-speech-features (rather than librosa). ''' if samples.dtype == np.complex64 or samples.dtype == np.complex128: raise TypeError('Function `soundpy.feats.get_mfcc_fbank` only works'+\ ' with raw signals, not complex data. Received input of type {}'.format( samples.dtype)) if not window_function: # default for python_speech_features: def window_function(x): return np.ones((x,)) else: if 'hamming' in window_function: window_function = hamming elif 'hann' in window_function: window_function = hann else: # default for python_speech_features: def window_function(x): return np.ones((x,)) if len(samples)/sr*1000 < win_size_ms: if zeropad: samples = sp.dsp.zeropad_sound(samples, win_size_ms * sr / 1000, sr = sr) else: win_size_ms = len(samples)/sr*1000 frame_length = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length(win_size_ms, sr) percent_overlap = check_percent_overlap(percent_overlap) window_shift_ms = win_size_ms * percent_overlap if 'fbank' in feature_type: feats, energy = fbank(samples, samplerate = sr, winlen = win_size_ms * 0.001, winstep = window_shift_ms * 0.001, nfilt = num_filters, nfft = fft_bins, winfunc = window_function, **kwargs) elif 'mfcc' in feature_type: feats = mfcc(samples, samplerate = sr, winlen = win_size_ms * 0.001, winstep = window_shift_ms * 0.001, nfilt = num_filters, numcep = num_mfcc, nfft = fft_bins, winfunc = window_function, **kwargs) return feats
[docs]def zeropad_features(feats, desired_shape, complex_vals = False): '''Applies zeropadding to a copy of feats. ''' # to avoid UFuncTypeError: if feats.dtype == np.complex or feats.dtype == np.complex64 or \ feats.dtype == np.complex128: complex_vals = True fts = feats.copy() if feats.shape != desired_shape: if complex_vals: dtype = np.complex else: dtype = np.float empty_matrix = np.zeros(desired_shape, dtype = dtype) try: if len(desired_shape) == 1: empty_matrix[:feats.shape[0]] += feats elif len(desired_shape) == 2: empty_matrix[:feats.shape[0], :feats.shape[1]] += feats elif len(desired_shape) == 3: empty_matrix[:feats.shape[0], :feats.shape[1], :feats.shape[2]] += feats elif len(desired_shape) == 4: empty_matrix[:feats.shape[0], :feats.shape[1], :feats.shape[2], :feats.shape[3]] += feats elif len(desired_shape) == 5: empty_matrix[:feats.shape[0], :feats.shape[1], :feats.shape[2], :feats.shape[3], :feats.shape[4]] += feats else: raise TypeError('Zeropadding columns requires a matrix with '+\ 'a minimum of 1 dimension and maximum of 5 dimensions.') fts = empty_matrix except ValueError as e: print(e) raise ValueError('The desired shape is smaller than the original shape.'+ \ ' No zeropadding necessary.') except IndexError as e: print(e) raise IndexError('The dimensions do not align. Zeropadding '+ \ 'expects same number of dimensions.') assert fts.shape == desired_shape return fts
[docs]def reduce_num_features(feats, desired_shape): '''Limits number features of a copy of feats. This is useful if you want the features to be a certain size, for training models for example. ''' fts = feats.copy() if feats.shape != desired_shape: empty_matrix = np.zeros(desired_shape, dtype = feats.dtype) try: if len(desired_shape) == 1: empty_matrix += feats[:empty_matrix.shape[0]] elif len(desired_shape) == 2: empty_matrix += feats[:empty_matrix.shape[0], :empty_matrix.shape[1]] elif len(desired_shape) == 3: empty_matrix += feats[:empty_matrix.shape[0], :empty_matrix.shape[1], :empty_matrix.shape[2]] elif len(desired_shape) == 4: empty_matrix += feats[:empty_matrix.shape[0], :empty_matrix.shape[1], :empty_matrix.shape[2], :empty_matrix.shape[3]] elif len(desired_shape) == 5: empty_matrix += feats[:empty_matrix.shape[0], :empty_matrix.shape[1], :empty_matrix.shape[2], :empty_matrix.shape[3], :empty_matrix.shape[4]] else: raise TypeError('Reducing items in columns requires a matrix with'+\ ' a minimum of 1 dimension and maximum of 5 dimensions.') fts = empty_matrix except ValueError as e: print(e) raise ValueError('The desired shape is larger than the original shape.'+ \ ' Perhaps try zeropadding.') except IndexError as e: print(e) raise IndexError('The dimensions do not align. Zeropadding '+ \ 'expects same number of dimensions.') assert fts.shape == desired_shape return fts
# TODO remove warning for 'operands could not be broadcast together with shapes..' # TODO test
[docs]def adjust_shape(data, desired_shape, change_dims = None, complex_vals = None): try: if change_dims is not None: raise DeprecationWarning('\nWARNING: Function `soundpy.feats.adjust_shape` will not '+\ 'use the parameter `change_dims` in future versions. \nIf extra dimensions '+\ 'of length 1 are to be added to the `data`, this will be completed. '+\ 'However extra dims of greater length are not covered in this function.') except DeprecationWarning as e: print(e) try: if complex_vals is not None: raise DeprecationWarning('\nWARNING: Function `soundpy.feats.adjust_shape` will not '+\ 'use the parameter `complex_vals` in future versions. This will be '+\ 'implicitly conducted within the function using `numpy.dtype`.') except DeprecationWarning as e: print(e) if len(data.shape) != len(desired_shape): data_shape_orig = data.shape if desired_shape[0] == 1: if data.shape[0] != 1: data = data.reshape((1,)+data.shape) if desired_shape[-1] == 1: if data.shape[-1] != 1: data = data.reshape(data.shape + (1,)) if len(data.shape) != len(desired_shape): raise ValueError('Currently cannot adjust data to a different number of '+\ 'dimensions.\nOriginal data shape: '+str(data_shape_orig)+ \ '\nDesired shape: '+str(desired_shape)) # if complex values are in data, set complex_vals to True if data.dtype == np.complex_: complex_vals = True else: complex_vals = False # attempt to zeropad data: try: greater_items = [i for i, x in enumerate(data.shape) if x > desired_shape[i]] # all dimensions can be zeropadded or left alone if len(greater_items) == 0: data_prepped = sp.feats.zeropad_features( data, desired_shape = desired_shape, complex_vals = complex_vals) # not all dimensions can be zeropadded. Zeropad what can be zeropadded. # then reduce larger dimensions elif len(greater_items) == len(data.shape): raise ValueError # get out of try statement and run `reduce_num_features` in except clause else: temp_shape = [] for i, item in enumerate(data.shape): if item <= desired_shape[i]: temp_shape.append(desired_shape[i]) else: temp_shape.append(item) temp_shape = tuple(temp_shape) # first zeropad the dimensions that are too small data_prepped = sp.feats.zeropad_features( data, desired_shape = temp_shape, complex_vals = complex_vals) # then clip the dimensions that are too big data_prepped = sp.feats.reduce_num_features( data_prepped, desired_shape = desired_shape) # if zeropadding is smaller than data.shape/features: except ValueError: # remove extra data/columns to match desired_shape: data_prepped = sp.feats.reduce_num_features(data, desired_shape = desired_shape) return data_prepped
[docs]def reduce_dim(matrix, axis=0): import math import numpy as np if axis < 0: axis = len(matrix.shape) + axis if axis == 0: new_matrix = np.zeros((math.ceil(matrix.shape[0]/2),)+matrix.shape[1:]) row = 0 for i in np.arange(0, matrix.shape[0], 2): if i < matrix.shape[0] - 2: new_matrix[row] = (matrix[i] + matrix[i+1]) / 2 row += 1 else: new_matrix[row] = matrix[i] elif axis == 1: new_matrix = np.zeros(matrix.shape[:1] + (math.ceil(matrix.shape[1]/2),)) col = 0 for i in np.arange(0, matrix.shape[1], 2): if i < matrix.shape[1] - 2: new_matrix[:, col] = (matrix[:, i] + matrix[:, i+1]) / 2 col += 1 else: new_matrix[:, col] = matrix[:, i] else: raise ValueError('Function `reduce_dim` only accepts 2D data. Axis {}'.format(axis), ' is out of bounds.') return new_matrix
[docs]def featshape_new_subframe(feature_matrix_shape, new_frame_size, zeropad = True, axis=0, include_dim_size_1=False): '''Subdivides features from (num_frames, num_feats) to (new_frame_size, num_frames, num_feats) Parameters ---------- feature_matrix_shape : tuple [size=(num_frames, num_features)] Feature matrix shape to be subdivided. Can be multidimensional. new_frame_size : int The number of subframes to section axis into. zeropad : bool If True, frames that don't completely fill a `new_frame_size` will be zeropadded. Otherwise, those frames will be discarded. (default True) axis : int The axis where the `new_frame_size` should be applied. (default 0) Returns ------- new_shape : tuple [size=(num_subframes, new_frame_size, num_feats)] ''' if axis < 0: # get the axis number if using -1 or -2, etc. axis = len(feature_matrix_shape) + axis original_dim_length = feature_matrix_shape[axis] if zeropad is True: subsection_frames = math.ceil(original_dim_length / new_frame_size) else: subsection_frames = original_dim_length // new_frame_size new_shape = [] for i, ax in enumerate(feature_matrix_shape): if i == axis: if subsection_frames == 1 and include_dim_size_1 is False: # don't include extra dimension if length 1 new_shape.append(new_frame_size) else: new_shape.append(new_frame_size) new_shape.append(subsection_frames) else: new_shape.append(ax) new_shape = tuple(new_shape) return new_shape
[docs]def apply_new_subframe(feature_matrix, new_frame_size, zeropad=True, axis=0): '''Reshapes `feature_matrix` to allow for `new_frame_size`. Note: Dimensions of `feature_matrix` must be at least 2 and can be up to 5, returning a matrix with one additional dimension. Parameters ---------- feature_matrix : np.ndarray [size(num_frames, num_features) ] Expects minimum 2D, maximum 5D matrix. new_frame_size : int The number of subframes to section axis into. axis : int The axis to apply the `new_frame_size`. (default 0) zeropad : bool If True, the feature_matrix will be zeropadded to include frames that do not fill entire frame_size, given the `new_frame_size`. If False, feature_matrix will not include the last zeropadded frame. (default True) Returns ------- feats_reshaped : np.ndarray [size(num_subframes, new_frame_size, num_features)] The `feature_matrix` returned with `axis` subdivided into 2 dimensions, the number of subframes and the other length `new_frame_size`. Raises ------ ValueError if number of dimensions of `feature_matrix` is below 2 or exceeds 5. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> matrix = np.arange(24).reshape(3,4,2) >>> # apply new_frame_size to dimension of length 4 (i.e. axis 1) >>> matrix_zp = apply_new_subframe(matrix, new_frame_size = 3, axis = 1) >>> matrix_zp.shape (3, 2, 3, 2) >>> matrix_zp array([[[[ 0, 1], [ 2, 3], [ 4, 5]], [[ 6, 7], [ 0, 0], [ 0, 0]]], [[[ 8, 9], [10, 11], [12, 13]], [[14, 15], [ 0, 0], [ 0, 0]]], [[[16, 17], [18, 19], [20, 21]], [[22, 23], [ 0, 0], [ 0, 0]]]]) >>> matrix_nozp = apply_new_subframe(matrix, new_frame_size = 3, axis = 1, ... zeropad=False) >>> matrix_nozp.shape (3, 1, 3, 2) >>> matrix_nozp array([[[[ 0, 1], [ 2, 3], [ 4, 5]]], [[[ 8, 9], [10, 11], [12, 13]]], [[[16, 17], [18, 19], [20, 21]]]]) ''' if len(feature_matrix.shape) < 2 or len(feature_matrix.shape) > 5: raise ValueError('Function `soundpy.feats.apply_new_subframe` '+\ 'can only be applied to matrices between 2 and 5 dimensions.') datatype = feature_matrix.dtype if axis < 0: # get the axis number if using -1 or -2, etc. axis = len(feature_matrix.shape) + axis new_shape = featshape_new_subframe(feature_matrix.shape, new_frame_size = new_frame_size, axis = axis, zeropad = zeropad) total_new_samples = current_samples = # zeropad or reduce feature_matrix to match number of current samples diff = total_new_samples - current_samples for i, item in enumerate(feature_matrix.shape): if i != axis: diff /= item if zeropad is True: if diff >= 0: diff = math.ceil(diff) else: diff = int(diff) else: if diff >= 0: diff = int(diff) else: diff = math.ceil(diff) if axis == 0: feature_matrix = sp.feats.adjust_shape( feature_matrix, ((feature_matrix.shape[0] + diff,) + feature_matrix.shape[1:])) elif axis > 0: feature_matrix = sp.feats.adjust_shape( feature_matrix, (feature_matrix.shape[:axis] + (feature_matrix.shape[axis] + diff, ) + \ feature_matrix.shape[axis+1:])) feats_reshaped = feature_matrix.reshape(new_shape) feats_reshaped = feats_reshaped.astype(datatype) return feats_reshaped
[docs]def check_percent_overlap(percent_overlap): '''Ensures percent_overlap is between 0 and 1. ''' if percent_overlap > 1: percent_overlap *= 0.01 if percent_overlap > 1: raise ValueError('The percent overlap value '+str(percent_overlap)+\ ' is too large. Please use a value between 0 and 1 or 0 and 100.') return percent_overlap
[docs]def separate_dependent_var(matrix): '''Separates matrix into features and labels. Expects 3D array. Assumes the last column of the last dimension of the matrix constitutes the dependent variable (labels), and all other columns the indpendent variables (features). Additionally, it is assumed that for each block of data, only one label is needed; therefore, just the first label is taken for each block. Parameters ---------- matrix : numpy.ndarray [size = (num_samples, num_frames, num_features)] The `matrix` holds the numerical data to separate. num_features is expected to be at least 2. Returns ------- X : numpy.ndarray [size = (num_samples, num_frames, num_features -1)] A matrix holding the (assumed) independent variables y : numpy.ndarray, numpy.int64, numpy.float64 [size = (num_samples,)] A vector holding the labels assigned to the independent variables. If only one value in array, just the value inside is returned Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> #vector >>> separate_dependent_var(np.array([1,2,3,4])) (array([1, 2, 3]), 4) >>> #simple matrix >>> matrix = np.arange(4).reshape(2,2) >>> matrix array([[0, 1], [2, 3]]) >>> X, y = separate_dependent_var(matrix) >>> X array([[0], [2]]) >>> y 1 >>> #more complex matrix >>> matrix = np.arange(20).reshape((2,2,5)) >>> matrix array([[[ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4], [ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]], <BLANKLINE> [[10, 11, 12, 13, 14], [15, 16, 17, 18, 19]]]) >>> X, y = separate_dependent_var(matrix) >>> X array([[[ 0, 1, 2, 3], [ 5, 6, 7, 8]], <BLANKLINE> [[10, 11, 12, 13], [15, 16, 17, 18]]]) >>> y array([ 4, 14]) ''' # get last column if matrix.shape[-1] == 1: raise ValueError('Expects input matrix to be size (num_samples, num_frames, ' + \ 'num_features). Number of features must exceed 1 in order ' + \ 'to separate into X and y arrays.') y_step1 = np.take(matrix, -1, axis=-1) # because the label is the same for each block of data, just need the first # row, not all the rows, as they are the same label. y = np.take(y_step1, 0, axis=-1) # get features: X = np.delete(matrix, -1, axis=-1) return X, y
# TODO: perhaps remove - just use np.expand_dims() # TODO: # Fix numpy array repr for Doctest.
[docs]def add_tensor(matrix): '''Adds tensor / dimension to input ndarray (e.g. features). Keras requires an extra dimension at some layers, which represents the 'tensor' encapsulating the data. Further clarification taking the example below. The input matrix has shape (2,3,4). Think of it as 2 different events, each having 3 sets of measurements, with each of those having 4 features. So, let's measure differences between 2 cities at 3 different times of day. Let's take measurements at 08:00, 14:00, and 19:00 in... Magic City and Never-ever Town. We'll measure.. 1) tempurature, 2) wind speed 3) light level 4) noise level. How I best understand it, putting our measurements into a matrix with an added dimension/tensor, this highlights the separate measurements, telling the algorithm: yes, these are 4 features from the same city, BUT they occur at different times. Or it's just how Keras set up the code :P Parameters ---------- matrix : numpy.ndarray The `matrix` holds the numerical data to add a dimension to. Returns ------- matrix : numpy.ndarray The `matrix` with an additional dimension. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> matrix = np.arange(24).reshape((2,3,4)) >>> matrix.shape (2, 3, 4) >>> matrix array([[[ 0, 1, 2, 3], [ 4, 5, 6, 7], [ 8, 9, 10, 11]], <BLANKLINE> [[12, 13, 14, 15], [16, 17, 18, 19], [20, 21, 22, 23]]]) >>> matrix_2 = add_tensor(matrix) >>> matrix_2.shape (2, 3, 4, 1) >>> matrix_2 array([[[[ 0], [ 1], [ 2], [ 3]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 4], [ 5], [ 6], [ 7]], <BLANKLINE> [[ 8], [ 9], [10], [11]]], <BLANKLINE> <BLANKLINE> [[[12], [13], [14], [15]], <BLANKLINE> [[16], [17], [18], [19]], <BLANKLINE> [[20], [21], [22], [23]]]]) ''' if isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray) and len(matrix) > 0: matrix = matrix.reshape(matrix.shape + (1,)) return matrix elif isinstance(matrix, np.ndarray): raise ValueError('Input matrix is empty.') else: raise TypeError('Expected type numpy.ndarray, recieved {}'.format( type(matrix)))
# TODO improve / remove.. move to data module?
[docs]def scale_X_y(matrix, is_train=True, scalars=None): '''Separates and scales data into X and y arrays. Adds dimension for keras. Assumes the last column of the last dimension is the y or label data. Parameters ---------- matrix : np.ndarray [size = (num_samples, num_frames, num_features)] Matrix with X and y data is_train : bool Relevant for the `scalars` parameter. If the data is training data (i.e. True), the `scalars` will be created. If the data is test data (i.e. False), the function expects `scalars` to be provided. (default True) scalars : dict, optional Dictionary with scalars to be applied to non-training data. Returns ------- X : np.ndarray [size = (num_sampls, num_frames, num_features-1, 1)] Scaled features with extra dimension y : np.ndarray [size = (num_samples, 1, 1)] Scaled independent variable with extra dimension scalars : dict The scalars either created or previously loaded. ''' X, y = sp.feats.separate_dependent_var(matrix) if is_train: scalars = {} elif scalars is None: raise TypeError('If non-train data, `scalars` cannot be of type None.') if len(X.shape) != 3: raise ValueError('Expected 3d input, not input of shape {}.'.format( matrix.shape)) if X.dtype == np.complex_: # convert stft to power spectrum print('\nTaking absolute value and power of complex data..'+\ '\ni.e. Removing complex values.') X = np.abs(X)**2 for j in range(X.shape[2]): if is_train: scalars[j] = StandardScaler() X[:, :, j] = scalars[j].fit_transform(X[:, :, j]) else: X[:, :, j] = scalars[j].transform(X[:, :, j]) X[:, :, j] = preprocessing.normalize(X[:, :, j]) # Keras needs an extra dimension as a tensor / holder of data X = sp.feats.add_tensor(X) y = sp.feats.add_tensor(y) return X, y, scalars
# TODO test for all these features:
[docs]def list_available_features(): return ['stft', 'powspec', 'fbank', 'mfcc', 'signal']
# TODO REMOVE context_window for next release. # don't apply context window and such during feature extraction phase # TODO check if `real_signal` influences change of shape or not
[docs]def get_feature_matrix_shape(sr = None, dur_sec = None, feature_type = None, win_size_ms = None, percent_overlap = None, fft_bins = None, num_mfcc = None, num_filters = None, rate_of_change = False, rate_of_acceleration = False, context_window = None, frames_per_sample = None, zeropad = True, labeled_data = False, remove_first_coefficient = False, real_signal = False, **kwargs): '''Returns expected shapes of feature matrix depending on several parameters. Parameters ---------- sr : int Sample rate of the audio to be extracted. dur_sec : int, float The number of seconds of audio feature extraction will be applied to. feature_type : str Accepted features include 'signal', 'stft', 'powspec', 'fbank', 'mfcc'. Which `feature_type` applied will influence the resulting shape of the feature matrix shape. win_size_ms : int or float The size of the window the audio signal should be broken into. If `feature_type` is set to 'signal', this is irrelevant. Otherwise will raise TypeError if set to None. percent_overlap : float The amount of overlap between windows. If set to 0.5, the number of overlapping samples will be half the number of samples that make up `win_size_ms`. fft_bins : int The number of frequency bins to use when calculating the fast Fourier transform. If None, the calculated `frame_length` will be used. num_mfcc : int If extracting 'mfcc' features, the total number of coefficients expected. num_filters : int If extracting 'fbank' features, the total number of mel-filters to be applied. rate_of_change : bool If True, the first delta will be concatenated to features extracted. rate_of_acceleration : bool If True, the second delta will be concatenated to features extracted. context_window : int The size of `context_window` or number of samples padding a central frame. This may be useful for models training on small changes occuring in the signal, e.g. to break up the image of sound into smaller parts. frames_per_sample : int The previous keyword argument for sugementing audio into smaller parts. Will be removed in future versions and available in generator functions as `context_window`. `frames_per_sample` equals 2 * `context_window` + 1. See `soundpy.models.dataprep.Generator` zeropad : bool If True, windows and frames will be zeropadded to avoid losing any sample data. labeled_data : bool If True, a label will be added to the output shape of features. remove_first_coefficient : bool If True, the first mfcc coefficient will not be included in feature matrix. **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Keyword arguments for `soundpy.feats.get_feats`. These may not be used in this function as they may not influence the size of the feature matrix. Returns ------- feature_matrix_base : tuple The base shape of the feature matrix. This is the shape that should result from extracting the features for each audio file feature_matrix_model : tuple The shape relevant to training models. For example, one including space for a context window and label. ''' if sr is None: raise TypeError('Function `soundpy.feats.get_feature_matrix_shape` expects'+\ ' parameter `sr` to be of type `int`, not type None.') if dur_sec is None: raise TypeError('Function `soundpy.feats.get_feature_matrix_shape` expects'+\ ' parameter `dur_sec` to be of type `int` or `float`, not type None.') if win_size_ms is None: raise TypeError('Function `soundpy.feats.get_feature_matrix_shape` expects'+\ ' parameter `win_size_ms` to be of type `int` or `float`, not type None.') if feature_type is None: raise TypeError('Function `soundpy.feats.get_feature_matrix_shape` expected'+\ ' parameter `feature_type` to be one of the following: '+\ ','.join(sp.feats.list_available_features())+\ '\nInstead got None.') total_samples = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length(dur_sec*1000, sr=sr) frame_length = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length(win_size_ms, sr) # all we need to know if signal is feature if 'signal' in feature_type: total_rows_per_wav = total_samples // frame_length num_feats = frame_length feature_matrix_model = ( total_rows_per_wav, num_feats) feature_matrix_base = ( total_samples,) # currently only single channels else: if win_size_ms is None or percent_overlap is None: raise TypeError('`win_size_ms` or `percent_overlap` cannot be type '+\ 'None. Please set these values, e.g. `win_size_ms` = 20, `percent_overlap` = 0.5') win_shift_ms = win_size_ms - (win_size_ms * percent_overlap) hop_length = int(win_shift_ms * 0.001 * sr) if fft_bins is None: fft_bins = int(win_size_ms * sr // 1000) # total_rows_per_wav = int(1 + (total_samples - fft_bins)//hop_length) if 'mfcc' in feature_type: if num_mfcc is None: num_feats = 40 else: num_feats = num_mfcc if remove_first_coefficient is True: num_feats -= 1 elif 'fbank' in feature_type: if num_filters is None: num_feats = 40 else: num_feats = num_filters elif 'stft' in feature_type or 'powspec' in feature_type: num_feats = fft_bins//2 + 1 else: raise ValueError('Feature type "{}" '.format(feature_type)+\ 'not understood.\nMust include one of the following: \n'+\ ', '.join(list_available_features())) if rate_of_change is True and rate_of_acceleration is True: num_feats += 2 * num_feats elif rate_of_change is True or rate_of_acceleration is True: num_feats += num_feats try: if frames_per_sample is not None or context_window is not None: raise DeprecationWarning('\nWARNING: In future versions, the `frames_per_sample` and '+\ '`context_window` parameters will be no longer used in feature extraction.\n'+\ ' Instead features can be segmented in generator functions using the '+\ 'parameter `context_window`: `soundpy.models.dataprep.Generator`.') except DeprecationWarning as e: print(e) if context_window or frames_per_sample: if context_window: subframes = context_window * 2 + 1 else: subframes = frames_per_sample batches = math.ceil(total_rows_per_wav/subframes) feature_matrix_model = ( batches, subframes, num_feats) feature_matrix_base = ( batches * subframes, num_feats) else: feature_matrix_model = ( total_rows_per_wav, num_feats) feature_matrix_base = ( total_rows_per_wav, num_feats) if labeled_data is True: feature_matrix_model = feature_matrix_model[:-1] + (feature_matrix_model[-1] + 1,) return feature_matrix_base, feature_matrix_model
[docs]def visualize_feat_extraction(feats, iteration = None, dataset=None, label=None, datadir = None, subsections = False, **kwargs): '''Saves plots of features during feature extraction or training of models. Parameters ---------- feats : np.ndarray [shape=(num_samples,) or (num_samples, num_frames) or \ (num_frames, num_features) or (num_subsections, num_frames, num_features)] The extracted features can be raw signal data, stft, fbank, powspec, mfcc data, either as a single plot or subsectioned into batches / subframes. iteration : int, optional The iteration of the audio getting extracted; e.g. the 10th training item. dataset : str, optional The identifying string (for example 'train' , 'val', or 'test', but this can be anything). label : str, int, optional The label of the audio file. Used in titles and filenames. datadir : str, pathlib.PosixPath, optional The directory where related data is located. An 'image' directory will be created within this `datadir` where the saved plots will be stored. If None, will be created in current working directory. subsections : bool, optional To subsection raw 'signal' data into frames. For other features, this is easier to identify via the shape of `feats`. **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Keyword arguments for `soundpy.feats.get_feats` Returns ------- None ''' # visualize features: if datadir is None: datadir = './' if not isinstance(datadir, pathlib.PosixPath): datadir = sp.utils.string2pathlib(datadir) if dataset is not None and iteration is not None: save_pic_path = datadir.joinpath( 'images',dataset,'{}_sample{}_{}'.format( kwargs['feature_type'], iteration, label)) title = '{} {} features: label {}'.format( dataset, kwargs['feature_type'].upper(), label) else: save_pic_path = datadir.joinpath( 'images', '{}_{}'.format(kwargs['feature_type'], sp.utils.get_date())) title = '{} features: label {}'.format(kwargs['feature_type'].upper(), label) # make sure this directory exists save_pic_dir = sp.utils.check_dir(save_pic_path.parent, make=True) # if in batches, save the features in each batch # first non raw signal data (e.g. stft, powspec, fbank, mfcc) if 'signal' not in kwargs['feature_type'] and \ len(feats.shape) > 2: if len(feats.shape) == 4: if feats.shape[-1] == 1: feats_temp = feats[:,:,:,0] else: raise ValueError('Cannot visualize greater than 3D data.') elif len(feats.shape) > 4: raise ValueError('Cannot visualize greater than 3D data.') else: feats_temp = feats orig_name = save_pic_path.stem for i, feat_section in enumerate(feats_temp): new_name = orig_name + '_frame_{}'.format(i) save_pic_path = save_pic_path.parent.joinpath(new_name) sp.feats.plot(feature_matrix = feat_section, feature_type = kwargs['feature_type'], win_size_ms = kwargs['win_size_ms'], percent_overlap = kwargs['percent_overlap'], title = title + ' frame {}'.format(i), name4pic = save_pic_path, save_pic = True, subprocess = True) return None # then raw signal data; needs parameter `subsections` set to True # can only be 2D or 3D (if last dimension is 1) if subsections is True and 'signal' in kwargs['feature_type']: if len(feats.shape) == 3 and feats.shape[-1] > 1: raise ValueError('Cannot visualize raw signal greater than 2D.') elif len(feats.shape) == 3 and feats.shape[-1] == 1: feats_temp = feats[:,:,0] elif len(feats.shape) == 2: feats_temp = feats elif len(feats.shape) == 1: feats_temp = None else: raise ValueError('Cannot visualize raw signal greater than 2D.') if feats_temp is not None: orig_name = save_pic_path.stem for i, feat_section in enumerate(feats_temp): new_name = orig_name + '_frame_{}'.format(i) save_pic_path = save_pic_path.parent.joinpath(new_name) sp.feats.plot(feature_matrix = feat_section, feature_type = kwargs['feature_type'], win_size_ms = kwargs['win_size_ms'], percent_overlap = kwargs['percent_overlap'], title = title + ' frame {}'.format(i), save_pic = True, name4pic = save_pic_path.joinpath('frame {}'.format(i)), subprocess = True) return None # otherwise save features in a single plot sp.feats.plot(feature_matrix = feats, feature_type = kwargs['feature_type'], win_size_ms = kwargs['win_size_ms'], percent_overlap = kwargs['percent_overlap'], title = title, save_pic = True, name4pic = save_pic_path, subprocess = True) return None
[docs]def save_features_datasets(datasets_dict, datasets_path2save_dict, context_window=None, frames_per_sample = None, labeled_data=False, subsection_data=False, divide_factor=None, visualize=False, vis_every_n_frames=50, log_settings=True, decode_dict = None, random_seed = None, **kwargs): '''Extracts and saves audio features, sectioned into datasets, to indicated locations. If MemoryError, the provided dataset dicts will be adjusted to allow data to be subsectioned. Parameters ---------- datasets_dict : dict Dictionary with keys representing datasets and values the audifiles making up that dataset. E.g. {'train':['1.wav', '2.wav', '3.wav'], 'val': ['4.wav'], 'test':['5.wav']} for unlabled data or {'train':[(0, '1.wav'), (1, '2.wav'), (0, '3.wav')], 'val': [(1, '4.wav')], 'test':[(0, '5.wav')]} for labeled data. datasets_path2save_dict : dict Dictionary with keys representing datasets and values the pathways of where extracted features of that dataset will be saved. E.g. {'train': './data/train.npy', 'val': './data/val.npy', 'test': './data/test.npy'} context_window : int The size of `context_window` or number of samples padding a central frame. This may be useful for models training on small changes occuring in the signal, e.g. to break up the image of sound into smaller parts, to feed to a long short-term memory network (LSTM), for example. (Can avoid this by simply reshaping data later). frames_per_sample : int The previous keyword argument for sugementing audio into smaller parts. Will be removed in future versions. This equals 2 * `context_window` + 1 labeled_data : bool If True, expects each audiofile to be accompanied by an integer label. See example given for `datasets_dict`. subsection_data : bool If you have a large dataset, you may want to divide it into subsections. See soundpy.datasets.subsection_data. If datasets are large enough to raise a MemoryError, this will be applied automatically. divide_factor : int, optional The number of subsections to divide data into. Only large enough sections will be divided. If smaller datasets (i.e. validation and test datasets) are as large or smaller than the new subsectioned larger dataset(s) (i.e. train), they will be left unchanged. (defaults to 5) visualize : bool If True, periodic plots of the features will be saved throughout the extraction process. (default False) vis_every_n_frames : int How often visuals should be made: every 10 samples, every 100, etc. (default 50) log_settings : bool If True, a .csv file will be saved in the feature extraction directory with most of the feature settings saved. (default True) decode_dict : dict, optional The dictionary to get the label given the encoded label. This is for plotting purposes. (default None) **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Keyword arguments for `soundpy.feats.get_feats`. Returns ------- datasets_dict : dict The final dataset dictionary used in feature extraction. The datasets may have been subdivided. datasets_path2save_dict : dict The final dataset feature pathway dict. The pathways will have been adjusted if the datasets have been subdivided. See Also -------- soundpy.feats.get_feats Extract features from audio file or audio data. ''' # if dataset is large, may want to divide it into sections if divide_factor is None: divide_factor = 5 if subsection_data: datasets_dict, datasets_path2save_dict = sp.datasets.section_data( datasets_dict, datasets_path2save_dict, divide_factor=divide_factor) # save where data was extracted from: dataset_dirs = [] try: # sr must be set. Set to default value. if not 'sr' in kwargs or kwargs['sr'] is None: import warnings msg = '\nWARNING: sample rate was not set. Setting it at 22050 Hz.' warnings.warn(msg) kwargs['sr'] = 22050 # win_size_ms must be set. Set to default value. if not 'win_size_ms' in kwargs or kwargs['win_size_ms'] is None: import warnings msg = '\nWARNING: `win_size_ms` was not set. Setting it to 20 ms' warnings.warn(msg) kwargs['win_size_ms'] = 20 # percent_overlap must be set. Set to default value. if not 'percent_overlap' in kwargs or kwargs['percent_overlap'] is None: import warnings msg = '\nWARNING: `percent_overlap` was not set. Setting it to 0.5' warnings.warn(msg) kwargs['percent_overlap'] = 0.5 feat_base_shape, feat_model_shape = sp.feats.get_feature_matrix_shape( context_window = context_window, frames_per_sample = frames_per_sample, labeled_data = labeled_data, **kwargs) # set whether or not features will include complex values: if 'stft' in kwargs['feature_type']: complex_vals = True else: complex_vals = False total_audiofiles = 0 for key, value in datasets_dict.items(): # get parent directory of where data should be saved (i.e. for saving pics) datapath = datasets_path2save_dict[key] if not isinstance(datapath, pathlib.PosixPath): datapath = pathlib.Path(datapath) datadir = datapath.parent # when loading a dictionary, the value is a string if isinstance(value, str): value = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue(value) # len(vale) is the total number of audio files feats4model_shape = (len(value),) + feat_model_shape feats_matrix = sp.dsp.create_empty_matrix( feats4model_shape, complex_vals=complex_vals) audio_list = value.copy() total_audiofiles += len(audio_list) # shuffle audiofiles: if random_seed is not None: random.seed(random_seed) random.shuffle(audio_list) for j, audiofile in enumerate(audio_list): if labeled_data: label, audiofile = int(audiofile[0]), audiofile[1] else: label = None if isinstance(audiofile, str): audiofile = pathlib.PosixPath(audiofile) if j == 0: dataset_dirs.append(audiofile.parent) feats = sp.feats.get_feats(audiofile, **kwargs) # zeropad or clip feats if too short or long: feats = sp.feats.adjust_shape( feats, desired_shape = feat_base_shape) # add label column to feature matrix if labeled_data: # create label column label_col = np.zeros((len(feats),1)) + label feats = np.concatenate([feats,label_col], axis=1) feats = feats.reshape(feats4model_shape[1:]) #visualize features only every n num frames if visualize and j % vis_every_n_frames == 0: if labeled_data: if decode_dict is not None: try: label_plot = decode_dict[label].upper() except KeyError: try: label_plot = decode_dict[str(label)].upper() except KeyError: label_plot = label else: label_plot = label else: label_plot = audiofile.parent.stem.upper() sp.feats.visualize_feat_extraction( feats, iteration = j, dataset = key, label = label_plot, datadir = datadir, subsections = True, # prepping feats 4 model results in subsections **kwargs) # fill in empty matrix with features from each audiofile feats_matrix[j] = feats sp.utils.print_progress(iteration = j, total_iterations = len(value), task = '{} {} feature extraction'.format( key, kwargs['feature_type'])) # save data:[key], feats_matrix) print('\nFeatures saved at {}\n'.format(datasets_path2save_dict[key])) if log_settings: log_filename = datadir.joinpath('log_extraction_settings.csv') feat_settings = dict( dataset_dirs = dataset_dirs, feat_base_shape = feat_base_shape, feat_model_shape = feat_model_shape, complex_vals = complex_vals, context_window = context_window, frames_per_sample = frames_per_sample, labeled_data = labeled_data, decode_dict = decode_dict, visualize = visualize, vis_every_n_frames = vis_every_n_frames, subsection_data = subsection_data, divide_factor = divide_factor, total_audiofiles = total_audiofiles, kwargs = kwargs ) feat_settings_path = sp.utils.save_dict( dict2save = feat_settings, filename = log_filename, overwrite=True) except MemoryError as e: print('MemoryError: ',e) print('\nSectioning data and trying again.\n') datasets_dict, datasets_path2save_dict = sp.datasets.section_data( datasets_dict, datasets_path2save_dict, divide_factor=divide_factor) datasets_dict, datasets_path2save_dict = save_features_datasets( datasets_dict = datasets_dict, datasets_path2save_dict = datasets_path2save_dict, context_window = context_window, frames_per_sample = frames_per_sample, labeled_data = labeled_data, subsection_data = subsection_data, divide_factor = divide_factor, visualize = visualize, vis_every_n_frames = vis_every_n_frames, log_settings = log_settings, decode_dict = decode_dict, **kwargs) return datasets_dict, datasets_path2save_dict
# TODO: update / consolidate
[docs]def save_features_datasets_zipfiles(datasets_dict, datasets_path2save_dict, extract_dir, dur_sec, feature_type='fbank', num_feats=None, sr=22050, win_size_ms=20, percent_overlap=0.5, n_fft = None, frames_per_sample=None, labeled_data=False, subsection_data=False, divide_factor=None, visualize=False, vis_every_n_frames=50, use_librosa=True, center=True, mode='reflect', log_settings=True, decode_dict = None, audiofile_lim = 10, **kwargs): '''Extracts and saves audio features, sectioned into datasets, to indicated locations. If MemoryError, the provided dataset dicts will be adjusted to allow data to be subsectioned. Parameters ---------- datasets_dict : dict Dictionary with keys representing datasets and values the audifiles making up that dataset. E.g. {'train':['1.wav', '2.wav', '3.wav'], 'val': ['4.wav'], 'test':['5.wav']} for unlabled data or {'train':[(0, '1.wav'), (1, '2.wav'), (0, '3.wav')], 'val': [(1, '4.wav')], 'test':[(0, '5.wav')]} for labeled data. datasets_path2save_dict : dict Dictionary with keys representing datasets and values the pathways of where extracted features of that dataset will be saved. E.g. {'train': './data/train.npy', 'val': './data/val.npy', 'test': './data/test.npy'} feature_type : str String including only one of the following: 'signal', 'stft', 'powspec', 'fbank', and 'mfcc'. 'signal' currently only supports mono channel data. TODO test for stereo 'powspec' and 'stft' are basically the same; 'powspec' is the 'stft' except without complex values and squared. E.g 'mfcc_noisy' or 'stft_train'. sr : int The sample rate the audio data should be loaded with. n_fft : int The number of frequency bins used for the Fast Fourier Transform (fft) dur_sec : int or float The desired duration of how long the audio data should be. This is used to calculate size of feature data and is therefore necessary, as audiofiles tend to differe in length. If audiofiles are longer or shorter, they will be cut or zeropadded respectively. num_feats : int The number of mfcc coefficients (mfcc), mel filters (fbank), or frequency bins (stft). win_size_ms : int The desired window size in milliseconds to process audio samples. percent_overlap : float The amount audio samples should overlap as each window is processed. frames_per_sample : int, optional If you want to section each audio file feature data into smaller frames. This might be useful for speech related contexts. (Can avoid this by simply reshaping data later) labeled_data : bool If True, expects each audiofile to be accompanied by an integer label. See example given for `datasets_dict`. subsection_data : bool If you have a large dataset, you may want to divide it into subsections. See soundpy.datasets.subsection_data. If datasets are large enough to raise a MemoryError, this will be applied automatically. divide_factor : int, optional The number of subsections to divide data into. Only large enough sections will be divided. If smaller datasets (i.e. validation and test datasets) are as large or smaller than the new subsectioned larger dataset(s) (i.e. train), they will be left unchanged. (defaults to 5) visualize : bool If True, periodic plots of the features will be saved throughout the extraction process. (default False) vis_every_n_frames : int How often visuals should be made: every 10 samples, every 100, etc. (default 50) use_librosa : bool If True, librosa is used to load and extract features. As of now, no other option is available. TODO: add other options. :P I just wanted to be clear that some elements of this function are unique to using librosa. (default True) center : bool Relevant for librosa and feature extraction. (default True) mode : str Relevant for librosa and feature extraction. (default 'reflect') log_settings : bool If True, a .csv file will be saved in the feature extraction directory with most of the feature settings saved. (default True) decode_dict : dict, optional The dictionary to get the label given the encoded label. This is for plotting purposes. (default None) **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Keyword arguments for `soundpy.feats.get_feats`. Returns ------- datasets_dict : dict The final dataset dictionary used in feature extraction. The datasets may have been subdivided. datasets_path2save_dict : dict The final dataset feature pathway dict. The pathways will have been adjusted if the datasets have been subdivided. See Also -------- soundpy.feats.get_feats Extract features from audio file or audio data. ''' # if dataset is large, may want to divide it into sections if divide_factor is None: divide_factor = 5 if subsection_data: datasets_dict, datasets_path2save_dict = sp.datasets.section_data( datasets_dict, datasets_path2save_dict, divide_factor=divide_factor) try: # depending on which packages one uses, shape of data changes. # for example, Librosa centers/zeropads data automatically # TODO see which shapes result from python_speech_features total_samples = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length(dur_sec*1000, sr=sr) # if using Librosa: if use_librosa: frame_length = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length(win_size_ms, sr) win_shift_ms = win_size_ms - (win_size_ms * percent_overlap) hop_length = int(win_shift_ms*0.001*sr) if n_fft is None: n_fft = frame_length # librosa centers samples by default, sligthly adjusting total # number of samples if center: y_zeros = np.zeros((total_samples,)) y_centered = np.pad(y_zeros, int(n_fft // 2), mode=mode) total_samples = len(y_centered) # each audio file if 'signal' in feature_type: # don't apply fft to signal (not sectioned into overlapping windows) total_rows_per_wav = total_samples // frame_length else: # do apply fft to signal (via Librosa) - (will be sectioned into overlapping windows) total_rows_per_wav = int(1 + (total_samples - n_fft)//hop_length) # set defaults to num_feats if set as None: if num_feats is None: if 'mfcc' in feature_type or 'fbank' in feature_type: num_feats = 40 elif 'powspec' in feature_type or 'stft' in feature_type: num_feats = int(1+n_fft/2) elif 'signal' in feature_type: num_feats = frame_length ### how many samples make up one window frame? ###num_samps_frame = int(sr * win_size_ms * 0.001) #### make divisible by 10 #### TODO: might not be necessary ###if not num_samps_frame % 10 == 0: ###num_samps_frame *= 0.1 #### num_feats is how many samples per window frame (here rounded up #### to the nearest 10) ###num_feats = int(round(num_samps_frame, 0) * 10) ### limit in seconds how many samples ### is this necessary? ### dur_sec = num_features * frames_per_sample * batch_size / sr else: raise ValueError('Feature type "{}" '.format(feature_type)+\ 'not understood.\nMust include one of the following: \n'+\ ', '.join(list_available_features())) # adjust shape for model # input_shape: the input shape for the model # desired_shape: the 2D shape of expected samples. This is used for zeropadding or # limiting the feats to this shape. Once this shape, feats can be reshaped into input_shape # TODO test for labeled data with frames_per_sample if frames_per_sample is not None: # want smaller windows, e.g. autoencoder denoiser or speech recognition batch_size = math.ceil(total_rows_per_wav/frames_per_sample) if labeled_data: input_shape = (batch_size, frames_per_sample, num_feats + 1) desired_shape = (input_shape[0] * input_shape[1], input_shape[2]-1) else: input_shape = (batch_size, frames_per_sample, num_feats) desired_shape = (input_shape[0]*input_shape[1], input_shape[2]) else: if labeled_data: input_shape = (int(total_rows_per_wav), num_feats + 1) desired_shape = (input_shape[0], input_shape[1]-1) else: input_shape = (int(total_rows_per_wav), num_feats) desired_shape = input_shape # set whether or not features will include complex values: if 'stft' in feature_type: complex_vals = True else: complex_vals = False # limit feat_type to the basic feature extracted # for example: # feature_type 'powspec' is actually 'stft' but with complex info removed. # the basic feat_type is still 'stft' if 'mfcc' in feature_type: feat_type = 'mfcc' elif 'fbank' in feature_type: feat_type = 'fbank' elif 'stft' in feature_type: feat_type = 'stft' elif 'powspec' in feature_type: feat_type = 'stft' elif 'signal' in feature_type: feat_type = 'signal' else: raise TypeError('Expected '+', '.join(list_available_features())+\ ' to be in `feature_type`, not {}'.format(feature_type)) for key, value in datasets_dict.items(): # get parent directory of where data should be saved (i.e. for saving pics) datapath = datasets_path2save_dict[key] if not isinstance(datapath, pathlib.PosixPath): datapath = pathlib.Path(datapath) datadir = datapath.parent # when loading a dictionary, the value is a string if isinstance(value, str): value = sp.utils.restore_dictvalue(value) extraction_shape = (len(value) * audiofile_lim,) + input_shape feats_matrix = sp.dsp.create_empty_matrix( extraction_shape, complex_vals=complex_vals) # count empty rows (if speaker doesn't have audiofile_lim data) empty_rows = 0 for j, zipfile in enumerate(value): if labeled_data: label, zipfile = int(zipfile[0]), zipfile[1] if isinstance(zipfile, str): zipfile = pathlib.PosixPath(zipfile) # extract `audiofile_lim` from zipfile: extract_dir = sp.utils.check_dir(extract_dir, make=True) sp.files.extract(zipfile, extract_path = extract_dir) audiolist = sp.files.collect_audiofiles(extract_dir, recursive = True) if audiofile_lim is not None: for i in range(audiofile_lim): if i == len(audiolist) and i < audiofile_lim: print('Short number files: ', audiofile_lim - i) empty_rows += audiofile_lim - i break feats = sp.feats.get_feats(audiolist[i], sr=sr, feature_type=feat_type, win_size_ms=win_size_ms, percent_overlap=percent_overlap, num_filters=num_feats, num_mfcc=num_feats, dur_sec=dur_sec, **kwargs) # if power spectrum (remove complex values and squaring features) if 'powspec' in feature_type: feats = np.abs(feats)**2 if visualize: if labeled_data: if decode_dict is not None: try: label_plot = decode_dict[label].upper() except KeyError: try: label_plot = decode_dict[str(label)].upper() except KeyError: label_plot = label else: label_plot = label else: label_plot = audiofile.parent.stem.upper() # visualize features: if 'mfcc' in feature_type or 'signal' in feature_type: energy_scale = None else: energy_scale = 'power_to_db' #visualize features only every n num frames if j % vis_every_n_frames == 0: save_pic_path = datadir.joinpath( 'images',key,'{}_sample{}'.format( feature_type, j)) # make sure this directory exists save_pic_dir = sp.utils.check_dir(save_pic_path.parent, make=True) sp.feats.plot(feats, feature_type = feature_type, win_size_ms = win_size_ms, percent_overlap = percent_overlap, energy_scale = energy_scale, title='{} {} features: label {}'.format( key, feature_type.upper(), label_plot), save_pic=visualize, name4pic=save_pic_path) # zeropad feats if too short: if 'signal' in feat_type: feats_zeropadded = np.zeros(desired_shape) feats_zeropadded = feats_zeropadded.flatten() if len(feats.shape) > 1: feats_zeropadded = feats_zeropadded.reshape(feats_zeropadded.shape[0], feats.shape[1]) if len(feats) > len(feats_zeropadded): feats = feats[:len(feats_zeropadded)] feats_zeropadded[:len(feats)] += feats # reshape here for training models to avoid memory issues later # (while training) if total samples is large feats = feats_zeropadded.reshape(desired_shape) feats = sp.feats.zeropad_features( feats, desired_shape = desired_shape, complex_vals = complex_vals) if labeled_data: # create label column label_col = np.zeros((len(feats),1)) + label feats = np.concatenate([feats,label_col], axis=1) feats = feats.reshape(extraction_shape[1:]) # fill in empty matrix with features from each audiofile feats_matrix[j+i] = feats # delete extracted data (not directories): sp.files.delete_dir_contents(extract_dir, remove_dir = False) sp.utils.print_progress(iteration = j, total_iterations = len(value), task = '{} {} feature extraction'.format( key, feature_type)) if empty_rows > 0: print('\nFeatures have {} empty rows.\n'.format(empty_rows)) print(feats_matrix.shape) feats_matrix = feats_matrix[:-empty_rows] print('\nNow removing them:') print(feats_matrix.shape) # save data:[key], feats_matrix) print('\nFeatures saved at {}\n'.format(datasets_path2save_dict[key])) if log_settings: log_filename = datadir.joinpath('log_extraction_settings.csv') feat_settings = dict(dur_sec=dur_sec, feature_type=feature_type, feat_type=feat_type, complex_vals=complex_vals, sr=sr, num_feats=num_feats, n_fft=n_fft, win_size_ms=win_size_ms, frame_length=frame_length, percent_overlap=percent_overlap, frames_per_sample=frames_per_sample, labeled_data=labeled_data, visualize=visualize, # different for each dataset #total_samples=total_samples, input_shape=input_shape, desired_shape=desired_shape, use_librosa=use_librosa, center=center, mode=mode, subsection_data=subsection_data, divide_factor=divide_factor, kwargs = kwargs ) feat_settings_path = sp.utils.save_dict( dict2save = feat_settings, filename = log_filename, overwrite=True) else: raise ValueError('Sorry, this functionality is not yet supported. '+\ 'Set `use_librosa` to True.') except MemoryError as e: print('MemoryError: ',e) print('\nSectioning data and trying again.\n') datasets_dict, datasets_path2save_dict = sp.datasets.section_data( datasets_dict, datasets_path2save_dict, divide_factor=divide_factor) datasets_dict, datasets_path2save_dict = save_features_datasets_zipfiles( datasets_dict = datasets_dict, datasets_path2save_dict = datasets_path2save_dict, extract_dir = extract_dir, audiofile_lim = audiofile_lim, feature_type = feature_type, sr = sr, n_fft = n_fft, dur_sec = dur_sec, num_feats = num_feats, win_size_ms = win_size_ms, percent_overlap = percent_overlap, use_librosa = use_librosa, window = window, center = center, mode = mode, frames_per_sample = frames_per_sample, visualize = visualize, vis_every_n_frames = vis_every_n_frames, labeled_data = labeled_data, log_settings = log_settings, decode_dict = decode_dict, **kwargs) return datasets_dict, datasets_path2save_dict
[docs]def prep_new_audiofeats(feats, desired_shape, input_shape): '''Prepares new audio data to feed to a pre-trained model. Parameters ---------- feats : np.ndarray [shape = (num_frames, num_features)] The features to prepare for feeding to a model. desired_shape : tuple The expected number of samples necessary to fulfill the expected `input_shape` for the model. The `feats` will be zeropadded or limited to match this `desired_shape`. input_shape : tuple The `input_shape` the model expects a single sample of data to be. Returns ------- feats_reshaped : np.ndarray [shape = (`input_shape`)] The features reshaped to what the model expects. ''' feats_reshaped = sp.feats.adjust_shape(feats, desired_shape) # reshape to input shape with a necessary "tensor" dimension feats_reshaped = feats_reshaped.reshape(input_shape) return feats_reshaped
[docs]def feats2audio(feats, feature_type, sr, win_size_ms, percent_overlap, phase=None): '''Prepares features into audio playable format. Parameters ---------- feats : np.ndarray [shape = (num_frames, num_feats)] If the features are a signal, [size = (batch_size * num_frames * num_features, 1)]. Otherwise [size = (batch_size * num_frames, num_features)]. feature_type : str Either 'stft', 'fbank', 'signal', or 'mfcc'. For the 'signal' feature, only mono channel is supported. sr : int Sampling rate that the features were extracted with win_size_ms : int The window size in milliseconds the features were extracted with percent_overlap : float The percent overlap between windows. phase : np.ndarray [shape = (num_frames, num_feats)], optional The original phase information of the reconstructed signal. Returns ------- y : np.ndarray [shape = (num_samples, )] The reconstructed signal in samples. ''' # (default) librosa handles data in shape (num_feats, num_frames) # while soundpy works with data in shape (num_frames, num_feats) if phase is not None: try: assert feats.shape == phase.shape except AssertionError: raise ValueError('Expected `feats` (shape {})'.format(feats.shape)+\ ' and `phase` (shape {}) '.format(phase.shape) +\ 'to have the same shape: (num_frames, num_features)') win_shift_ms = win_size_ms - (win_size_ms * percent_overlap) if 'signal' not in feature_type: # Will apply Librosa package to feats. Librosa expects data to have # shape (num_features, num_frames) not (num_frames, num_features) feats = feats.T if phase is not None: phase = phase.T if 'fbank' in feature_type: y = librosa.feature.inverse.mel_to_audio( feats, sr=sr, n_fft = int(win_size_ms*0.001*sr), hop_length=int(win_shift_ms*0.001*sr)) elif 'mfcc' in feature_type: feats = feats[:14,:] y = librosa.feature.inverse.mfcc_to_audio( feats, sr=sr, n_fft = int(win_size_ms*0.001*sr), hop_length=int(win_shift_ms*0.001*sr), n_mels=13) elif 'stft' in feature_type or 'powspec' in feature_type: # can use istft with phase information applied if phase is not None: feats = feats * phase y = librosa.istft( feats, hop_length=int(win_shift_ms*0.001*sr), win_length = int(win_size_ms*0.001*sr)) # if no phase information available: else: y = librosa.griffinlim( feats, hop_length=int(win_shift_ms*0.001*sr), win_length = int(win_size_ms*0.001*sr)) elif 'signal' in feature_type: y = feats.flatten() return y
[docs]def grayscale2color(image_matrix, colorscale=3): '''Expects grayscale image. Copies first channel into additional channels. This is useful for pre-trained models that require features to have rgb channels, not grayscale. Assumes last channel the colorscale column. ''' if len(image_matrix.shape) == 2: # if colorscale column not there, adds it image_matrix = image_matrix.reshape(image_matrix.shape + (1,)) expected_shape = image_matrix.shape[:-1] + (colorscale,) # create extra empty channels to copy gray image to it: image_zeropadded = sp.feats.zeropad_features(image_matrix, expected_shape) for i in range(colorscale): if i == 0: pass else: if len(image_zeropadded.shape) == 3: image_zeropadded[:,:,i] = image_zeropadded[:,:,0] elif len(image_zeropadded.shape) == 4: image_zeropadded[:,:,:,i] = image_zeropadded[:,:,:,0] elif len(image_zeropadded.shape) == 5: image_zeropadded[:,:,:,:,i] = image_zeropadded[:,:,:,:,0] elif len(image_zeropadded.shape) == 6: image_zeropadded[:,:,:,:,:,i] = image_zeropadded[:,:,:,:,:,0] else: raise ValueError('This function expects between 2 and 6 dimensions, '\ 'not {} dimensions'.format(len(image_matrix.shape))) return image_zeropadded
if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod()