Source code for soundpy.builtin

'''The soundpy.builtin module includes more complex functions that pull from several
other functions to complete fairly complex tasks, such as dataset formatting, 
filtering signals, and extracting features for neural networks.
import time
import pathlib
import random
import numpy as np
import soundfile as sf
from import write

# in order to import soundpy
import os, sys
import inspect
currentdir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(
packagedir = os.path.dirname(currentdir)
sys.path.insert(0, packagedir)
import soundpy as sp

[docs]def filtersignal(audiofile, sr = None, noise_file=None, filter_type='wiener', # 'band_specsub' filter_scale=1, apply_postfilter=False, duration_noise_ms=120, real_signal=False, phase_radians=True, num_bands=None, visualize=False, visualize_every_n_windows=50, max_vol = 0.4, min_vol = 0.15, save2wav=False, output_filename=None, overwrite=False, use_scipy=False, remove_dc=True, control_vol = False, **kwargs): """Apply Wiener or band spectral subtraction filter to signal using noise. The noise can be provided as a separate file / samples, or it can be taken from the beginning of the provided audio. How much noise is measured can be set in the parameter `duration_noise_ms`. Parameters ---------- audiofile : str, np.ndarray [size=(num_samples,) or (num_samples, num_channels)] Filename or the audio data of the signal to be filtered. sr : int The sample rate of the audio. If `audiofile` is type np.ndarray, sr is required. (default None) noise_file : str, tuple, optional Path to either noise audiofile or .npy file containing average power spectrum values. If tuple, must include samples and sr. If None, the beginning of the `audiofile` will be used for noise data. (default None) filter_type : str Type of filter to apply. Options 'wiener' or 'band_specsub'. filter_scale : int or float The scale at which the filter should be applied. This value will be multiplied to the noise levels thereby increasing or decreasing the filter strength. (default 1) apply_postfilter : bool Whether or not the post filter should be applied. The post filter reduces musical noise (i.e. distortion) in the signal as a byproduct of filtering. duration_noise_ms : int or float The amount of time in milliseconds to use from noise to apply the Welch's method to. In other words, how much of the noise to use when approximating the average noise power spectrum. real_signal : bool If True, only half of the (mirrored) fast Fourier transform will be used during filtering. For audio, there is no difference. This is visible in the plots, however, if you are interested. (default False) phase_radians : bool Relevant for band spectral subtraction: whether phase should be calculated in radians or complex values/ power spectrum. (default True) num_bands : int Relevant for band spectral subtraction: the number of bands to section frequencies into. By grouping sections of frequencies during spectral subtraction filtering, musical noise or distortion should be reduced. (defaults to 6) visualize : bool If True, plots of the windows and filtered signal will be made. (default False) visualize_every_n_windows : int If `visualize` is set to True, this controls how often plots are made: every 50 windows, for example. (default 50) max_vol : int or float The maximum volume level of the filtered signal. This is useful if you know you do not want the signal to be louder than a certain value. Ears are important (default 0.4) TODO improve on matching volume to original signal? At least use objective measures. min_vol : int or float The minimum volume level of the filtered signal. (default 0.15) TODO improve on matching volume to original signal. save2wav : bool If True, will save the filtered signal as a .wav file output_filename : str, pathlib.PosixPath, optional path and name the filtered signal is to be saved. (default None) If no filename provided, will save under date. overwrite : bool If True and an audiofile by the same name exists, that file will be overwritten. use_scipy : bool If False, audiofiles will be loaded using librosa. Otherwise, (default False) remove_dc : bool It True, the DC bias ('direct current' bias) will be removed. In other words, the mean amplitude will be made to equal 0. **kwargs : additional keyword arguments Keyword arguments for `soundpy.filters.WienerFilter` or 'soundpy.filters.BandSubtraction` (depending on `filter_type`). Returns ------- enhanced_signal : np.ndarray [size = (num_samples, )] The enhanced signal in raw sample form. Stereo audio has not yet been tested. sr : int The sample rate of the enhanced/ filtered signal. References ---------- Kamath, S. and Loizou, P. (2002). A multi-band spectral subtraction method for enhancing speech corrupted by colored noise. Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Acoust.,Speech, Signal Processing Kamath, S. and Loizou, P. (2006). mband.m MATLAB code from the book: C Loizou, P. (2013). Speech Enhancement: Theory and Practice. """ if sr is None: sr = 48000 if 'wiener' in filter_type: if sr == 22050: import warnings warnings.warn('\n\nWARNING: sample rate 22050 may have some '+\ 'missing frames within the filtered signal. \nIf possible, '+\ 'perhaps use 8000, 16000, 41000, or 48000 sample rate instead.\n') fil = sp.WienerFilter(sr = sr, **kwargs) elif 'band' in filter_type: # at this point, band spectral subtraction only works with if sr != 48000: import warnings warnings.warn('\n\nWARNING: Band spectral subtraciton requires a sample rate'+\ ' of 48 kHz. Sample rate adjusted from {} to 48000.\n'.format(sr)) sr = 48000 fil = sp.BandSubtraction(sr=48000, **kwargs) if visualize: frame_subtitle = 'frame size {}ms, window shift {}ms'.format(fil.frame_dur, int(fil.percent_overlap*fil.frame_dur)) # load signal (to be filtered) if not isinstance(audiofile, np.ndarray): samples_orig, sr = sp.loadsound(audiofile,, dur_sec=None, use_scipy=use_scipy, remove_dc=remove_dc) else: samples_orig, sr = audiofile, sr if remove_dc: samples_orig = sp.dsp.remove_dc_bias(samples_orig) if sr != samples_orig, sr = sp.dsp.resample_audio(samples_orig, sr_original = sr, sr_desired = assert == sr # TODO improve on volume control, improve SNR # set volume max and min, or based on original sample data fil.set_volume(samples_orig, max_vol = max_vol, min_vol = min_vol) # set how many subframes are needed to process entire target signal fil.set_num_subframes(len(samples_orig), is_noise=False, zeropad=fil.zeropad) # prepare noise # set up how noise will be considered: either as audiofile, averaged # power values, or the first section of the target audiofile (i.e. None) samples_noise = None if noise_file: if isinstance(noise_file, tuple): # tuple must contain samples and sampling rate samples_noise, sr_noise = noise_file if remove_dc: samples_noise = sp.dsp.remove_dc_bias(samples_noise) if sr_noise != samples_noise, sr_noise = sp.dsp.resample_audio(samples_noise, sr_noise, assert sr_noise == # ensure string objects converted to pathlib.PosixPath objects: elif not isinstance(noise_file, pathlib.PosixPath) and isinstance(noise_file, str): noise_file = pathlib.Path(noise_file) # find out path information if isinstance(noise_file, pathlib.PosixPath): extension = noise_file.suffix if '.npy' in extension: # if noise power spectrum already calculated or not if 'powspec' in noise_file.stem or 'powerspectrum' in noise_file.stem: noise_power = fil.load_power_vals(noise_file) samples_noise = None elif 'stft' in noise_file.stem: noise_power = np.load(noise_file) noise_power = np.abs(noise_power)**2 else: # assume audio pathway if duration_noise_ms is not None: dur_sec = duration_noise_ms/1000 else: dur_sec = None samples_noise, sr_noise = sp.loadsound(noise_file,, dur_sec=dur_sec, use_scipy=use_scipy, remove_dc = remove_dc) assert sr_noise == if samples_noise is None and noise_power is None: raise TypeError('Expected one of the following: '+\ '\ntype tuple containing (samples, samplerate) of noise data'+\ '\naudiofile pathway to noise file'+\ '\n.npy file with powerspectrum values for noise'+\ '\n\nDid not expect {} as input.'.format(noise_file)) else: starting_noise_len = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length(, duration_noise_ms) samples_noise = samples_orig[:starting_noise_len] # if noise samples have been collected... # TODO improve snr / volume measurements if samples_noise is not None: # set how many subframes are needed to process entire noise signal fil.set_num_subframes(len(samples_noise), is_noise=True, zeropad=fil.zeropad) if visualize: sp.feats.plot(samples_orig, 'signal', title='Signal to filter'.upper(),sr = sp.feats.plot(samples_noise, 'signal', title= 'Noise samples to filter out'.upper(), # prepare noise power matrix (if it's not loaded already) if fil.noise_subframes: if real_signal: #only the first half of fft (+1) total_rows = fil.num_fft_bins//2+1 else: total_rows = fil.num_fft_bins noise_power = sp.dsp.create_empty_matrix((total_rows,)) section = 0 for frame in range(fil.noise_subframes): noise_section = samples_noise[section:section+fil.frame_length] noise_w_win = sp.dsp.apply_window(noise_section, fil.get_window(), zeropad=fil.zeropad) noise_fft = sp.dsp.calc_fft(noise_w_win, real_signal=real_signal) noise_power_frame = sp.dsp.calc_power(noise_fft) noise_power += noise_power_frame section += fil.overlap_length # welch's method: take average of power that has been collected # in windows noise_power = sp.dsp.calc_average_power(noise_power, fil.noise_subframes) assert section == fil.noise_subframes * fil.overlap_length if visualize: sp.feats.plot(noise_power, 'stft',title='Average noise power spectrum'.upper()+'\n{}'.format(frame_subtitle), energy_scale='power_to_db', sr = # prepare target power matrix increment_length = int(fil.frame_length * fil.percent_overlap) total_rows = increment_length + increment_length * fil.target_subframes filtered_sig = sp.dsp.create_empty_matrix( (total_rows,), complex_vals=True) section = 0 row = 0 target_power_baseline = 0 # increase/decrease noise values to increase strength of filter if filter_scale is None: filter_scale = 1 noise_power *= filter_scale try: for frame in range(fil.target_subframes): target_section = samples_orig[section:section+fil.frame_length] target_w_window = sp.dsp.apply_window(target_section, fil.get_window(), zeropad=fil.zeropad) if visualize and frame % visualize_every_n_windows == 0: sp.feats.plot(target_section,'signal', title='Signal'.upper()+' \nframe {}: {}'.format( frame+1,frame_subtitle),sr = sp.feats.plot(target_w_window,'signal', title='Signal with {} window'.format(fil.window_type).upper()+'\nframe {}: {}'.format( frame+1,frame_subtitle),sr = target_fft = sp.dsp.calc_fft(target_w_window, real_signal=real_signal) target_power = sp.dsp.calc_power(target_fft) # now start filtering!! # initialize SNR matrix if visualize and frame % visualize_every_n_windows == 0: sp.feats.plot(target_power,'stft', title='Signal power spectrum'.upper()+'\nframe {}: {}'.format( frame+1,frame_subtitle), energy_scale='power_to_db', sr = if 'wiener' in filter_type: enhanced_fft = fil.apply_wienerfilter(frame, target_fft, target_power, noise_power) if apply_postfilter: enhanced_fft = fil.apply_postfilter(enhanced_fft, target_fft, target_power) elif 'band' in filter_type: target_phase = sp.dsp.calc_phase(target_fft, radians=phase_radians) enhanced_fft = fil.apply_bandspecsub(target_power, target_phase, noise_power) if apply_postfilter: enhanced_fft = fil.apply_postfilter(enhanced_fft, target_fft, target_power, noise_power) enhanced_ifft = sp.dsp.calc_ifft(enhanced_fft, real_signal=real_signal) try: filtered_sig[row:row+fil.frame_length] += enhanced_ifft except ValueError: # with sample rate 22050, had some problems... zeropad missing frames if len(filtered_sig[row:row+fil.frame_length]) < fil.frame_length: diff = fil.frame_length - len(filtered_sig[row:row+fil.frame_length]) filtered_sig[row:row+fil.frame_length] += \ enhanced_ifft[:fil.frame_length-diff] elif len(enhanced_ifft) < fil.frame_length: diff = fil.frame_length - len(enhanced_ifft) filtered_sig[row:row+fil.frame_length-diff] += enhanced_ifft if visualize and frame % visualize_every_n_windows == 0: sp.feats.plot(filtered_sig,'signal', title='Filtered signal'.upper()+'\nup to frame {}: {}'.format(frame+1,frame_subtitle), sr = row += fil.overlap_length section += fil.overlap_length except ValueError as e: raise e assert row == fil.target_subframes * fil.overlap_length assert section == fil.target_subframes * fil.overlap_length # make enhanced_ifft values real enhanced_signal = filtered_sig.real if visualize: rows = len(filtered_sig)//increment_length cols = increment_length sp.feats.plot(np.abs(filtered_sig.reshape(( rows,cols,)))**2, 'stft', title='Final filtered signal power spectrum'.upper()+'\n{}: {}'.format(filter_type,frame_subtitle), energy_scale='power_to_db') sp.feats.plot(enhanced_signal,'signal', title='Final filtered signal'.upper()+'\n{}'.format(filter_type), sr = if control_vol: enhanced_signal = fil.check_volume(enhanced_signal) if len(enhanced_signal) > len(samples_orig): enhanced_signal = enhanced_signal[:len(samples_orig)] # for backwards compatibility if output_filename is not None or save2wav: if output_filename is None: output_filename = sp.utils.get_date()+'.wav' saved_filename = sp.savesound(str(output_filename), enhanced_signal,, overwrite=overwrite, remove_dc=remove_dc) return enhanced_signal,
[docs]def dataset_logger(audiofile_dir = None, recursive=True): '''Logs name, format, bitdepth, sr, duration of audiofiles, num_channels Parameters ---------- audiofile_dir : str or pathlib.PosixPath The directory where audiofiles of interest are. If no directory provided, the current working directory will be used. recursive : bool If True, all audiofiles will be analyzed, also in nested directories. Otherwise, only the audio files in the immediate directory will be analyzed. (default True) Returns ------- audiofile_dict : dict Dictionary within a dictionary, holding the formats of the audiofiles in the directory/ies. Examples -------- >>> audio_info = dataset_logger() >>> # look at three audio files: >>> count = 0 >>> for key, value in audio_info.items(): ...: for k, v in value.items(): ...: print(k, ' : ', v) ...: count += 1 ...: print() ...: if count > 2: ...: break audio : audiodata/dogbark_2channels.wav sr : 48000 num_channels : 2 dur_sec : 0.389 format_type : WAV bitdepth : PCM_16 <BLANKLINE> audio : audiodata/python_traffic_pf.wav sr : 48000 num_channels : 1 dur_sec : 1.86 format_type : WAV bitdepth : DOUBLE <BLANKLINE> audio : audiodata/259672__nooc__this-is-not-right.wav sr : 44100 num_channels : 1 dur_sec : 2.48453514739229 format_type : WAV bitdepth : PCM_16 See Also -------- soundfile.available_subtypes The subtypes available with the package SoundFile soundfile.available_formats The formats available with the package SoundFile ''' # ensure audio directory exists: if audiofile_dir is None: audiofile_dir = './' audiofile_dir = sp.utils.check_dir(audiofile_dir) audiofiles = sp.files.collect_audiofiles(audiofile_dir, recursive = recursive) audiofile_dict = dict() for i, audio in enumerate(audiofiles): # set sr to None to get audio file's sr # set mono to False to see if mono or stereo sound y, sr = sp.loadsound(audio, sr=None, mono=False) # see number of channels if len(y.shape) > 1: num_channels = y.shape[1] else: num_channels = 1 dur_sec = len(y)/sr try: so = sf.SoundFile(audio) bitdepth = so.subtype format_type = so.format except RuntimeError: if isinstance(audio, str): audio = pathlib.Path(audio) format_type = audio.suffix.upper()[1:] # remove starting dot bitdepth = 'unknown' # ensure audio is string: if pathlib.PosixPath, it saves # the PurePath in the string and makes it difficult to deal # with later. audio = str(audio) curr_audio_dict = dict(audio = audio, sr = sr, num_channels = num_channels, dur_sec = dur_sec, format_type = format_type, bitdepth = bitdepth) audiofile_dict[audio] = curr_audio_dict sp.utils.print_progress(i, len(audiofiles), task='logging audio file details') return audiofile_dict
[docs]def dataset_formatter(audiodirectory=None, recursive=False, new_dir=None, sr=None, dur_sec=None, zeropad=False, format='WAV', bitdepth=None, overwrite=False, mono=False): '''Formats all audio files in a directory to set parameters. The audiofiles formatted can be limited to the specific directory or be extended to the subfolders of that directory. Parameters ---------- audiodirectory : str or pathlib.PosixPath The directory where audio files live. If no directory provided, the current working directory will be used. recursive : bool If False, only audiofiles limited to the specific directory will be formatted. If True, audio files in nested directories will also be formatted. (default False) new_dir : str or pathlib.PosixPath The audiofiles will be saved with the same structure in this directory. If None, a default directory name with time stamp will be generated. sr : int The desired sample rate to assign to the audio files. If None, the orignal sample rate will be maintained. dur_sec : int The desired length in seconds the audio files should be limited to. If `zeropad` is set to True, the samples will be zeropadded to match this length if they are too short. If None, no limitation will be applied. zeropad : bool If True, samples will be zeropadded to match `dur_sec`. (default False) format : str The format to save the audio data in. (default 'WAV') bitdepth : int, str The desired bitdepth. If int, 16 or 32 are possible. Defaults to 'PCM_16'. overwrite : bool If True and `new_dir` is None, the audio data will be reformatted in the original directory and saved over any existing filenames. (default False) mono : bool If True, the audio will be limited to a single channel. Note: not much has been tested for stereo sound and soundpy. (default False) Returns ------- directory : pathlib.PosixPath The directory where the formatted audio files are located. See Also -------- soundpy.files.collect_audiofiles Collects audiofiles from a given directory. soundpy.files.conversion_formats The available formats for converting audio data. soundfile.available_subtypes The subtypes or bitdepth possible for soundfile ''' if new_dir is None and not overwrite: new_dir = 'audiofile_reformat_'+sp.utils.get_date() import warnings message = '\n\nATTENTION: Due to the risk of corrupting existing datasets, '+\ 'reformated audio will be saved in the following directory: '+\ '\n{}\n'.format(new_dir) warnings.warn(message) # ensure new dir exists, and if not make it if new_dir is not None: new_dir = sp.utils.check_dir(new_dir, make=True) if audiodirectory is None: audiodirectory = './' # ensure audiodirectory exists audiodirectory = sp.utils.check_dir(audiodirectory, make=False) audiofiles = sp.files.collect_audiofiles(audiodirectory, recursive=recursive) audiodir_parent = audiodirectory.stem # add this base directory to 'new_dir' new_dir = new_dir.joinpath(audiodir_parent) new_dir = sp.utils.check_dir(new_dir,make=True) # set bitdepth for soundfile if bitdepth is None: # get default bitdepth from soundfile bd = sf.default_subtype(format) elif bitdepth == 16: bd = 'PCM_16' elif bitdepth == 32: bd = 'PCM_32' else: bd = bitdepth # ensure format and bitdepth are valid for soundfile valid = sf.check_format(format, bd) if not valid: if not format in sf.available_formats(): raise ValueError('Format {} is not available. Here is a list '+\ 'of available formats: \n{}'.format(format, sf.available_formats())) raise ValueError('Format {} cannot be assigned '.format(format)+\ ' bitdepth {}.\nAvailable bitdepths include:'.format(bitdepth)+\ '\n{}'.format(sf.available_subtypes(format))) for i, audio in enumerate(audiofiles): y, sr2 = sp.loadsound(audio, sr=sr, dur_sec = dur_sec, mono = mono) # ensure the sr matches what was set if sr is not None: assert sr2 == sr if zeropad and dur_sec: goal_num_samples = int(dur_sec*sr2) y = sp.dsp.set_signal_length(y, goal_num_samples) if overwrite is not True: # limit audiopath to parent dir fparts = list( dir_idx = [i for i, j in enumerate(fparts) if j == audiodir_parent] dir_id = dir_idx[-1] fparts = fparts[dir_id+1:] # dir name included in new_dir path audio = pathlib.Path('/'.join(fparts)) # maintains structure of old directory in new directory new_filename = new_dir.joinpath(audio) else: new_filename = audio # change the audio file name to match desired file format: if format: new_filename = sp.files.replace_ext(new_filename, format.lower()) try: new_filename = sp.savesound(new_filename, y, sr2, overwrite=overwrite, format=format,subtype=bd) except FileExistsError: print('File {} already exists.'.format(new_filename)) sp.utils.print_progress(i, len(audiofiles), task = 'reformatting dataset') if new_dir: return new_dir else: return audiodirectory
# TODO speed this up, e.g. preload noise data?
[docs]def create_denoise_data(cleandata_dir, noisedata_dir, trainingdata_dir, limit=None, snr_levels = None, pad_mainsound_sec = None, random_seed = None, overwrite = False, **kwargs): '''Applies noise to clean audio; saves clean and noisy audio to `traingingdata_dir`. Parameters ---------- cleandata_dir : str, pathlib.PosixPath Name of folder containing clean audio data for autoencoder. E.g. 'clean_speech' noisedata_dir : str, pathlib.PosixPath Name of folder containing noise to add to clean data. E.g. 'noise' trainingdata_dir : str, pathlib.PosixPath Directory to save newly created train, validation, and test data limit : int, optional Limit in number of audiofiles used for training data snr_levels : list of ints, optional List of varying signal-to-noise ratios to apply to noise levels. (default None) pad_mainsound_sec : int, float, optional Amount in seconds the main sound should be padded. In other words, in seconds how long the background sound should play before the clean / main / target audio starts. The same amount of noise will be appended at the end. (default None) random_seed : int A value to allow random order of audiofiles to be predictable. (default None). If None, the order of audiofiles will not be predictable. overwrite : bool If True, a new dataset will be created regardless of whether or not a matching directory already exists. (default False) **kwargs : additional keyword arguments The keyword arguments for soundpy.files.loadsound Returns ------- saveinput_path : pathlib.PosixPath Path to where noisy audio files are located saveoutput_path : pathlib.PosixPath Path to where clean audio files are located See Also -------- soundpy.files.loadsound Loads audiofiles. soundpy.dsp.add_backgroundsound Add background sound / noise to signal at a determined signal-to-noise ratio. ''' import math import time start = time.time() # check to ensure clean and noisy data are there # and turn them into pathlib.PosixPath objects: cleandata_dir = sp.utils.check_dir(cleandata_dir, make=False) noisedata_dir = sp.utils.check_dir(noisedata_dir, make=False) trainingdata_dir = sp.utils.string2pathlib(trainingdata_dir) cleandata_folder = 'clean' noisedata_folder = 'noisy' if limit is not None: cleandata_folder += '_limit'+str(limit) noisedata_folder += '_limit'+str(limit) newdata_clean_dir = trainingdata_dir.joinpath(cleandata_folder) newdata_noisy_dir = trainingdata_dir.joinpath(noisedata_folder) # See if databases already exist: if not overwrite: try: newdata_clean_dir = sp.utils.check_dir(newdata_clean_dir, make=False, append = False) newdata_noisy_dir = sp.utils.check_dir(newdata_noisy_dir, make=False, append = False) except FileExistsError: raise FileExistsError('Datasets already exist at this location. Set '+\ '`overwrite` to True or designate a new directory.') except FileNotFoundError: pass # create directory to save new data (if not exist) newdata_clean_dir = sp.utils.check_dir(newdata_clean_dir, make = True) newdata_noisy_dir = sp.utils.check_dir(newdata_noisy_dir, make = True) # collect audiofiles (not limited to .wav files) cleanaudio = sorted(sp.files.collect_audiofiles(cleandata_dir, hidden_files = False, wav_only = False, recursive = False)) noiseaudio = sorted(sp.files.collect_audiofiles(noisedata_dir, hidden_files = False, wav_only = False, recursive = False)) if random_seed is not None: random.seed(random_seed) random.shuffle(cleanaudio) if limit is not None: cleanaudio = cleanaudio[:limit] # ensure snr_levels is array-like if snr_levels is not None: if not isinstance(snr_levels, list) and not isinstance(snr_levels, np.ndarray): snr_levels = list(snr_levels) for i, wavefile in enumerate(cleanaudio): sp.utils.print_progress(iteration=i, total_iterations=len(cleanaudio), task='clean and noisy audio data generation') # no random seed applied here: # each choice would be the same for each iteration noise = random.choice(noiseaudio) if snr_levels is not None: snr = random.choice(snr_levels) else: snr = None clean_stem = wavefile.stem noise_stem = noise.stem # load clean data to get duration if 'sr' not in kwargs: # set at high sr for measuring noise in signals, # necessary in applying noise at specific SNR level kwargs['sr'] = 44100 else: if int(kwargs['sr']) < 44100: import warnings msg = 'The measuring of signal to noise ratio is '+\ 'improved if the sample rate is at or above 44100 Hz.'+\ '\nConsider changing sr = {} to sr = 44100.'.format( kwargs['sr']) warnings.warn(msg) clean_data, sr = sp.loadsound(wavefile, **kwargs) noise_data, sr = sp.loadsound(noise, **kwargs) # makes adding of sounds smoother: clean_data = sp.dsp.remove_dc_bias(clean_data) noise_data = sp.dsp.remove_dc_bias(noise_data) # incase any weird clicks at beginning / end of signals: clean_data = sp.dsp.clip_at_zero(clean_data, samp_win = 10) noise_data = sp.dsp.clip_at_zero(noise_data, samp_win = 10) noisy_data, snr_appx = sp.dsp.add_backgroundsound( audio_main = clean_data, audio_background = noise_data, snr = snr, pad_mainsound_sec = pad_mainsound_sec, wrap = False, **kwargs) if pad_mainsound_sec: # pad clean the same way as noisy so they are the same length num_pad_samps = sp.dsp.calc_frame_length(pad_mainsound_sec * 1000, sr) padding = np.zeros(num_pad_samps) clean_data = np.concatenate((padding, clean_data, padding)) # ensure length of clean and noisy data match assert len(clean_data) == len(noisy_data) # ensure both noisy and clean files have same beginning to filename (i.e. clean filename) noisydata_filename = newdata_noisy_dir.joinpath(clean_stem+'_'+noise_stem\ +'_snr'+str(snr)+'.wav') cleandata_filename = newdata_clean_dir.joinpath(clean_stem+'.wav') write(noisydata_filename, sr_down, noisy_data) write(cleandata_filename, sr_down, clean_data) end = time.time() total_time, units = sp.utils.adjust_time_units(end-start) print('Data creation took a total of {} {}.'.format( round(total_time, 2), units)) return newdata_noisy_dir, newdata_clean_dir
[docs]def envclassifier_feats( data_dir, data_features_dir = None, perc_train = 0.8, ignore_label_marker = None, **kwargs): '''Environment Classifier: feature extraction of scene audio into train, val, & test datasets. Saves extracted feature datasets (train, val, test datasets) as well as feature extraction settings in the directory `data_features_dir`. Parameters ---------- data_dir : str or pathlib.PosixPath The directory with scene subfolders (e.g. 'air_conditioner', 'traffic') that contain audio files belonging to that scene (e.g. 'air_conditioner/ac1.wav', 'air_conditioner/ac2.wav', 'traffic/t1.wav'). data_features_dir : str or pathlib.PosixPath, optional The directory where feature extraction related to the dataset will be stored. Within this directory, a unique subfolder will be created each time features are extracted. This allows several versions of extracted features on the same dataset without overwriting files. perc_train : float The amount of data to be set aside for train data. The rest will be divided into validation and test datasets. ignore_label_marker : str A string to look for in the labels if the "label" should not be included. For example, '__' to ignore a subdirectory titled "__noise" or "not__label". kwargs : additional keyword arguments Keyword arguments for `soundpy.feats.save_features_datasets` and `soundpy.feats.get_feats`. Returns ------- feat_extraction_dir : pathlib.PosixPath The pathway to where all feature extraction files can be found, including datasets. See Also -------- soundpy.feats.get_feats Extract features from audio file or audio data. soundpy.feats.save_features_datasets Preparation of acoustic features in train, validation and test datasets. ''' if data_features_dir is None: data_features_dir = './audiodata/example_feats_models/envclassifier/' feat_extraction_dir = 'features_' + sp.utils.get_date() # collect labels labels = [] data_dir = sp.utils.string2pathlib(data_dir) for label in data_dir.glob('*/'): if label.suffix: # avoid adding unwanted files in the directory # want only directory names continue if ignore_label_marker is not None: if ignore_label_marker in label.stem: continue # ignores hidden directories if label.stem[0] == '.': continue labels.append(label.stem) labels = set(labels) if len(labels) == 0: raise ValueError('No subdirectories found to offer as labels. Ensure this path'+\ ' contains the data:\n{}'.format(data_dir)) # create paths for what we need to save: data_features_dir = sp.utils.check_dir(data_features_dir) feat_extraction_dir = data_features_dir.joinpath(feat_extraction_dir) feat_extraction_dir = sp.utils.check_dir(feat_extraction_dir, make=True) # dictionaries containing encoding and decoding labels: dict_encode_path = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('dict_encode.csv') dict_decode_path = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('dict_decode.csv') # dictionary for which audio paths are assigned to which labels: dict_encdodedlabel2audio_path = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('dict_encdodedlabel2audio.csv') # designate where to save train, val, and test data data_train_path = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('{}_data.npy'.format('train')) data_val_path = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('{}_data.npy'.format('val')) data_test_path = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('{}_data.npy'.format('test')) # create and save encoding/decoding labels dicts dict_encode, dict_decode = sp.datasets.create_dicts_labelsencoded(labels) dict_encode_path = sp.utils.save_dict( filename = dict_encode_path, dict2save = dict_encode, overwrite=False) dict_decode_path = sp.utils.save_dict( filename = dict_decode_path, dict2save = dict_encode, overwrite=False) # save audio paths to each label in dict paths_list = sp.files.collect_audiofiles(data_dir, recursive=True) paths_list = sorted(paths_list) dict_encodedlabel2audio = sp.datasets.create_encodedlabel2audio_dict(dict_encode, paths_list) dict_encdodedlabel2audio_path = sp.utils.save_dict( dict2save = dict_encodedlabel2audio, filename = dict_encdodedlabel2audio_path, overwrite = False) # assign audiofiles into train, validation, and test datasets train, val, test = sp.datasets.audio2datasets( dict_encdodedlabel2audio_path, perc_train = perc_train, limit = None, seed = 40) # save audiofiles for each dataset to dict and save dataset_dict = dict([('train',train),('val', val),('test',test)]) dataset_dict_path = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('dataset_audiofiles.csv') dataset_dict_path = sp.utils.save_dict( dict2save = dataset_dict, filename = dataset_dict_path, overwrite=True) # save paths to where extracted features of each dataset will be saved to dict w same keys datasets_path2save_dict = dict([('train',data_train_path), ('val', data_val_path), ('test',data_test_path)]) # extract features start = time.time() dataset_dict, datasets_path2save_dict = sp.feats.save_features_datasets( datasets_dict = dataset_dict, datasets_path2save_dict = datasets_path2save_dict, labeled_data = True, decode_dict = dict_decode, **kwargs) end = time.time() total_dur_sec = end-start total_dur, units = sp.utils.adjust_time_units(total_dur_sec) print('\nFinished! Total duration: {} {}.'.format(round(total_dur,2), units)) # save which audiofiles were extracted for each dataset # save where extracted data were saved # save how long feature extraction took dataprep_settings = dict(dataset_dict = dataset_dict, datasets_path2save_dict = datasets_path2save_dict, total_dur_sec = total_dur_sec) dataprep_settings_path = sp.utils.save_dict( dict2save = dataprep_settings, filename = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('dataset_audio_assignments.csv')) return feat_extraction_dir
[docs]def denoiser_feats( data_clean_dir, data_noisy_dir, data_features_dir = None, limit = None, perc_train = 0.8, **kwargs): '''Autoencoder Denoiser: feature extraction of clean & noisy audio into train, val, & test datasets. Saves extracted feature datasets (train, val, test datasets) as well as feature extraction settings in the directory `data_features_dir`. Parameters ---------- data_clean_dir : str or pathlib.PosixPath The directory with clean audio files. data_noisy_dir : str or pathlib.PosixPath The directory with noisy audio files. These should be the same as the clean audio, except noise has been added. data_features_dir : str or pathlib.PosixPath, optional The directory where feature extraction related to the dataset will be stored. Within this directory, a unique subfolder will be created each time features are extracted. This allows several versions of extracted features on the same dataset without overwriting files. limit : int, optional The limit of audio files for feature extraction. (default None) kwargs : additional keyword arguments Keyword arguments for `soundpy.feats.save_features_datasets` and `soundpy.feats.get_feats`. Returns ------- feat_extraction_dir : pathlib.PosixPath The pathway to where all feature extraction files can be found, including datasets. See Also -------- soundpy.datasets.create_denoise_data Applies noise at specified SNR levels to clean audio files. soundpy.feats.get_feats Extract features from audio file or audio data. soundpy.feats.save_features_datasets Preparation of acoustic features in train, validation and test datasets. ''' if data_features_dir is None: data_features_dir = './audiodata/example_feats_models/denoiser/' # create unique directory for feature extraction session: feat_extraction_dir = 'features_' + sp.utils.get_date() # 1) Ensure clean and noisy data directories exist audio_clean_path = sp.utils.check_dir(data_clean_dir, make=False) audio_noisy_path = sp.utils.check_dir(data_noisy_dir, make=False) # 2) create paths for what we need to save: denoise_data_path = sp.utils.check_dir(data_features_dir, make=True) feat_extraction_dir = denoise_data_path.joinpath(feat_extraction_dir) feat_extraction_dir = sp.utils.check_dir(feat_extraction_dir, make=True) # Noisy and clean train, val, and test data paths: data_train_noisy_path = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('{}_data_{}.npy'.format('train', 'noisy')) data_val_noisy_path = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('{}_data_{}.npy'.format('val', 'noisy')) data_test_noisy_path = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('{}_data_{}.npy'.format('test', 'noisy')) data_train_clean_path = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('{}_data_{}.npy'.format('train', 'clean')) data_val_clean_path = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('{}_data_{}.npy'.format('val', 'clean')) data_test_clean_path = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('{}_data_{}.npy'.format('test', 'clean')) # 3) collect audiofiles and divide them into train, val, and test datasets # noisy data noisyaudio = sp.files.collect_audiofiles(audio_noisy_path, hidden_files = False, wav_only = False, recursive = False) # sort audio (can compare if noisy and clean datasets are compatible) noisyaudio = sorted(noisyaudio) if limit is not None: noisyaudio = noisyaudio[:limit] # clean data cleanaudio = sp.files.collect_audiofiles(audio_clean_path, hidden_files = False, wav_only = False, recursive = False) cleanaudio = sorted(cleanaudio) if limit is not None: cleanaudio = cleanaudio[:limit] # check if they match up: (expects clean file name to be in noisy file name) for i, audiofile in enumerate(noisyaudio): if not sp.utils.check_noisy_clean_match(audiofile, cleanaudio[i]): raise ValueError('The noisy and clean audio datasets do not appear to match.') # save collected audiofiles for noisy and clean datasets to dictionary noisy_audio_dict = dict([('noisy', noisyaudio)]) clean_audio_dict = dict([('clean', cleanaudio)]) noisy_audio_dict_path = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('noisy_audio.csv') noisy_audio_dict_path = sp.utils.save_dict( dict2save = noisy_audio_dict, filename = noisy_audio_dict_path, overwrite=False) clean_audio_dict_path = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('clean_audio.csv') clean_audio_dict_path = sp.utils.save_dict( dict2save = clean_audio_dict, filename = clean_audio_dict_path, overwrite=False) # separate into datasets train_noisy, val_noisy, test_noisy = sp.datasets.audio2datasets( noisy_audio_dict_path, perc_train = perc_train, seed=40) train_clean, val_clean, test_clean = sp.datasets.audio2datasets( clean_audio_dict_path, perc_train = perc_train, seed=40) # save train, val, test dataset assignments to dict dataset_dict_noisy = dict([('train', train_noisy),('val', val_noisy),('test', test_noisy)]) dataset_dict_clean = dict([('train', train_clean),('val', val_clean),('test', test_clean)]) # keep track of paths to save data dataset_paths_noisy_dict = dict([('train',data_train_noisy_path), ('val', data_val_noisy_path), ('test',data_test_noisy_path)]) dataset_paths_clean_dict = dict([('train',data_train_clean_path), ('val', data_val_clean_path), ('test',data_test_clean_path)]) path2_noisy_datasets = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('audiofiles_datasets_noisy.csv') path2_clean_datasets = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('audiofiles_datasets_clean.csv') # save dicts to .csv files path2_noisy_datasets = sp.utils.save_dict( dict2save = dataset_dict_noisy, filename = path2_noisy_datasets, overwrite=False) path2_clean_datasets = sp.utils.save_dict( dict2save = dataset_dict_clean, filename = path2_clean_datasets, overwrite=False) # 5) extract features # ensure the noisy and clean values match up: for key, value in dataset_dict_noisy.items(): for j, audiofile in enumerate(value): if not sp.utils.check_noisy_clean_match(audiofile, dataset_dict_clean[key][j]): raise ValueError('There is a mismatch between noisy and clean audio. '+\ '\nThe noisy file:\n{}'.format(dataset_dict_noisy[key][i])+\ '\ndoes not seem to match the clean file:\n{}'.format(audiofile)) start = time.time() # first clean data dataset_dict_clean, dataset_paths_clean_dict = sp.feats.save_features_datasets( datasets_dict = dataset_dict_clean, datasets_path2save_dict = dataset_paths_clean_dict, **kwargs) # then noisy data dataset_dict_noisy, dataset_paths_noisy_dict = sp.feats.save_features_datasets( datasets_dict = dataset_dict_noisy, datasets_path2save_dict = dataset_paths_noisy_dict, **kwargs) end = time.time() total_dur_sec = round(end-start,2) total_dur, units = sp.utils.adjust_time_units(total_dur_sec) print('\nFinished! Total duration: {} {}.'.format(total_dur, units)) # save which audiofiles were extracted for each dataset # save where extracted data were saved # save total duration of feature extraction dataprep_settings = dict(dataset_dict_noisy = dataset_dict_noisy, dataset_paths_noisy_dict = dataset_paths_noisy_dict, dataset_dict_clean = dataset_dict_clean, dataset_paths_clean_dict = dataset_paths_clean_dict, total_dur_sec = total_dur_sec, limit = limit, perc_train = perc_train) dataprep_settings_path = sp.utils.save_dict( dict2save = dataprep_settings, filename = feat_extraction_dir.joinpath('dataset_audio_assignments.csv')) return feat_extraction_dir